Happy Birthday You Nerd. (Bakugou x Reader)

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An:Before I start I wanna say a big Happy birthday to SimpleIsBeautiful13. Hope you have a great day.

The light from the morning sun blinded you awake. But that didn't dampen your mood. Today was your birthday. You got dressed for school and made your way to the dining area to grab some breakfast. To your surprise you were greeted with the sight of your hot headed boyfriend cooking pancakes.

You walked up behind him and wrap your arms around his waist while pressing your face against his back.

"Good morning beautiful. Happy birthday. I made you breakfast" he said sweetly, turning around to encase you in his arms.

"Awww, thanks babe you didn't have to" you reply back before giving him a thank you kiss. It wasn't often that he did things like this, but when he did you appreciated it with all your heart.

"Can you to keep the PDA to a minimum, some of us are trying to eat". Kaminari said in a obvious attempt to shit stir Bakugou. Your boyfriend only replied by raising his hand and letting small explosions escape, causing the Kaminari to shut his mouth before he lost it.

The school day went pretty slow, as per usual. Katsuki told you earlier that he had a surprise for you after school and you were bursting at the seams to know what the surprise was. When the final bell rang for the day you packed up as fast as you could so you could catch up to Katsuki.

When you caught up to him, you put your hand in his, (not that he minded) and walked to the dorm.

"When you get back to your dorm room there's an outfit on your bed, put it on and met me at my room." Katsuki says as we enter the dorms

We went our separate ways and once you enter your dorm you see a beautiful (f/c) dress on the bed. The dress itself went up just above your knee and was flowy at the bottom. You got ready and headed to Katsuki's dorm.

One knock was all you did before his door opened showing your blonde boyfriend in a dress shirt and pants. His eyes gazed over your figure sending shivers up your spine. He gently takes your hand before leading you outside.

"Where are we going" you ask, admiring how the sun reflects off his face.

"We're going for a walk, to have quality time together. Then I'll give you your gift." He says, squeezing your hand softly.

The walk lasted an hour or so before it started to get cold. By this point it was dark and you both thought it best to head back. Most of the lights seemed to be off at the dorm house but you though nothing of it, which is why you were surprised.

As soon as you entered the lights were flicked on and everyone jumped out and screamed.

"SURPRISE!" You stood there in shock for a few seconds before turning to Katsuki.

"Did you organize all this" to which he nodded his head and pulled out a small box.

"Happy birthday (Y/N)" you opened the box and your eyes filled with tears of happiness. In the box sat a locket with a picture of the two of you together. You jumped into his arms and kissed his cheek.

"It's beautiful, I love it" you whisper feeling the warmth of his embrace surround you. The rest of the afternoon was filled with food and laughter. This was definitely a birthday to remember.

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