A Little Push in the Right Direction(Kirishima x Shy Reader)

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This is a request by Ally_anime

I wasn't the strongest, the quickest, the smartest or the bravest person in 1A. I was just ordinary (Y/N) (L/N). The quiet shy girl who sat at the back of the room next to Momo and Todoroki. Which I didn't mind as both were quiet and didn't talk to me much.

"Hey Bakubro" my ears picked up on the kind voice of a certain red haired male across the room. Something fluttered in my stomach as Kirishima walked over to the rest of his group. The small crush that had started at the Sports Festival had developed in to a big crush. But there was no way I could talk to him.

It was moments like these that I wish I had the confidence of someone like Bakugou. With my shyness I would just look away and avoid conversation altogether.

The bell rang for lunch and the class was quick to disperse. I had just walked out the door when a hand grabbed my shoulder and turned me around. Causing her to let out a gasp in fright. The person who turned me around was none other than Mr Confident, Bakugou.

"Listen here you quiet nerd. I see you staring at shitty hair all the time and I know you like him, so either you tell him before I do because all he talks about is you and it's driving me crazy, got it" he says before walking off to lunch like nothing had happened.

I swallowed nervously. I had to tell Kirishima before Bakugou did. I slowly walked to the cafeteria and walked over to the spot where Bakusquad was sat. I took a deep breath before stepping in front of the table

"E-Excuse me, but c-can I talk to Kirishima for a second please." I say quietly before looking at my feet.

"Alright" Kirishima says cheerfully before getting out of his seat and walking with me outside the cafeteria. My heart was racing in my chest. My hands slightly shaking. Was I really about to do this.

"So what did you want to talk about (Y/N)" he says kindly. Looking at me patiently as if he didn't want to push me to fast.

"Well" I start. Playing with a strand of my hair, twirling it around my fingers. "I r-really like you Kirishima. I don't know if you like me back. But I had t-to tell you." I stare at the ground again, twisting my foot against the marble ground. Suddenly a hand tilts my head up to see red eyes. The other cups the side of my face.

"Of course I like you (Y/N). I love your shy and gentle nature. I can't stop thinking about you. " He said before pulling me into a hug. My face exploded into the colour of Kirishima's hair at the sudden action but after a moment I returned the hug. I guess all I needed was a little push in the right direction.

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