My Human Icepack. (Todoroki x Sick Reader)

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The blinding light of the morning sun caused your already aching head to erupt in pain. Sweat dripping down your forehead like a tap. The slight shivers caused your muscles to ache with exhaustion.

You sit up in bed and almost immediately shut your eyes as dizziness sent the room in to a spin. You were sick. There was no doubt about it, but being the stubborn person you were you decided that school and hero training were more important than your health.

Slowly climbing out of bed, you got dressed into your uniform and made your way down the the kitchen area for breakfast. Not that you were that hungry anyway. Even the thought of food made you want to gag at the moment.

As you stumbled down the Hall towards the elevator you run into Jirou and Momo heading that way as well.

"Good morning (Y/N)" Momo says in her usual happy tone.

"Good morning guys" you reply back as you try to keep yourself from stumbling.

"Are you alright (Y/N), you seem sick" Jirou ask

"Yea. I'm perfectly fine." You reply before getting into the elevator with them heading to the bottom floor.

When arriving you see that most of the class are already down and starting their day. While walking your eyes go unfocused for a few seconds making you slow down. A sudden pair of arms wrap there way around your waist, making you jump slightly. You relaxed when you heard the voice of your duel haired boyfriend.

"Good morning love, how are you" Todoroki asks softly kissing you cheek.

"Good morning to you too babe. And I'm fine thanks for asking" he looks at you with uncertainty.

"Are you sure. Your really warm". Crap he was on to you.

"Yes, I promise I'm fine." You say before kissing his cheek and walking off. You hated lying to him, but today was a very important lesson in hero training that you couldn't afford to miss out on.

Your head felt unbelievably heavy as you poured yourself a glass of water from the sink and the dizziness was coming back worse than before. You set the glass down with shaking hands before walking to the dining room tables. This is when you body had enough.

You knees suddenly go weak as your body falls to the ground. You close you eyes waiting for an impact only to feel a similar set of arms holding you up. Saving you from a face full of floor.

You weakly look up to see Todoroki with a worried expression plastered on his face. He takes his right hand from your waist and gently places it on your forehead. A sudden cold feeling rushes around your face before you realize the he was cooling your face with his ice.

"Turns out your not as ok as you seem (Y/N), why not tell me you weren't feeling well." He asks gently.

"I didn't want to miss out on hero training. I need this lesson to help me" you reply weakly. Todoroki just sighs before lifting you into his arms. Everything was peaceful until a certain hotheaded classmate intervened.

"GET A ROOM YOU HALF AND HALF BASTARD, YOUR GOING TO RUIN MY APPETITE" Bakugou yells at your boyfriend. Todoroki took this chance to leave the dining area to take you to your room. But before he does he stops beside Midoriya.

"Midoriya, if Mr Aizawa asks tell him that (Y/N) is sick and that I'm looking after her alright" he asks and Midoryia quickly replies with a yes. You rest your head against Todoroki's right side shoulder as he uses he quirk to cool your overheated body down.

He opens the door to your dorm quickly before gently setting you back down into bed and taking off your blazer and hanging it in your wardrobe. He takes off his own blazer before climbing into your bed on the right side of you before keeping your body cool.

"Sleep my love, I will make you food once your awake" he says lovingly. You bury your head into his chest before slowly drifting off.

"I love you" is what you said before finally falling asleep.

(A/n): 3 chapters already. Hope you like what you've read so far because there's plenty where that came from.

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