Save me (Bakugou x Self Harm Reader PT 2)

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Warning: this story contains self harm and suicidal thoughts. Do not read if this affects you.

After that incident are your house Katsuki watched you like a hawk. When you had arrived at his house he told his mum to get rid of any accessible sharp objects in the house and that you were staying with them for a while.

His mother got the memo when she saw your tearful face and bloodied fingertips. She said she'd do it and get a room set up for you and after that you began to see a whole other side to Katsuki.

For one, he was always making sure your exsisting cuts were clean and check that there wasn't any new ones.  He wouldn't ever scream or yell at you for fear that he would shatter what happiness you had left. He was extremely overprotective of you and if anyone even hinted that they were being harsh to you he would snap and absolutely lose it.

He kept to his promise though, making you go to conselling sessions whether it be at school or outside of it, and he was there the whole time, during your crying, yelling and screaming. He was there.

Katsuki also reminded you of who he would tell if you started cutting again. You definitely didn't want Mr Aizawa knowing for fear he would expel you from the hero course.

Things seemed to be going good, your mood lightened up and you became slightly happier. But that was all destroyed one afternoon.

Everything was alright to start off the day. Well sort of. Today was your parents anniversary so your emotions were all over the place. The usual knock on your door sounded and you called out to Katsuki for him to come him.

"Morning" you say. He doesnt reply, he just sighs.

"You know the drill" he says and you nod before pulling back your sleeves to show the cut free arms. Without saying anything he walks back out.

Thoughts started swirling in your head. What if he was getting sick of you, what if he wanted you to leave. What if he didnt care anymore.

You cut thoses thoughts off, of course he wasnt any of those things. He helped you this far after all. Right.

You got ready and made your way down stairs to the kitchen. But as you go near the dining room you heard talking and stopped.

"I don't think she should be here anymore Katsuki, your worn out just trying to keep tabs on her. I know your trying your best but theres only so much one person can do and I think she's well enough to look after herself now." You hear his mother say and a pit starts forming in your stomach.

"I don't have the heart to kick her out, she's been through so much by herself, but your right, she's starting to get to me a little bit, it's like I don't have time to myself. Shes outstayed her welcome, I'll her today that she has to leave." Katsuki says.

Your nothing but a burden to him.

You shoved that thought out of your head and went into breakfast like usual. To be expected it was quiet after that talk Katsuki and Mitsuki had. So you ate quickly to give them space.

Katsuki didn't talk to you much at school. In fact he was keeping his distance. This caused more dangerous thoughts to travel thorough your head.

He hates you can't you tell, he doesn't want to be anywhere near you.

He's just your parents, he can't stand you

You pushed those thoughts out of your head again although it was harder this time. By the time lunch came around your happy mood faultered as you saw a knife on one of the tables. You quickly left the cafeteria to go find Katsuki.

He had said if you ever had thoses thought to cut you went straight to him. However what happened next was the opposite of help.

Katsuki sat in one of the chairs in the classroom with the Kirshima, Sero and Kaminari.

"I just can't take it anymore, she's driving me fucking crazy, every morning it's checking her wrists, making sure she happy thought the day. Trying to make sure she doesn't relapse back. But when the fuck do I get time to myself. I'll tell you, never."

You stood in the doorway as your best friend said these things. Kirishima turned and saw you with wide eyes as he quickly turned back to Katsuki.

"Bro I think you should st-"

"Shut it shitty hair, she's just always on my nerves, I'm pretty sure she was just fucking faking the whole thing just to get into my house I swear"

This time Kaminari turned and saw you. His face drained white and he turned back also to stop Katsuki's harsh words.

"Dude you need to stop (Y/N) is-"

"Shut your mouth dunce face I'm talking. And the best part is I don't get a single fucking thank you from her. She's just so much of a burden-" a loud crash stopped Katsuki as you dropped you lunch tray on the floor. His eyes meet your tearfilled ones as they soften at the words you must have just heard.

The strong mindset you had been building over the past few weeks shattered like glass. You weren't wanted anymore. You were a burden, just like he said you were. You turned and ran. Ran as fast as you could ignoring the cries from Katsuki.

You ran, and out of school and into the streets and stopped at the bridge that ended your parents lives. You took out the knife that was sitting on the table at school and started cutting down your arms, the familiar burning sensation returned as you cut both arms again and again.

You cut long and deep until your arms was a mess of blood and jagged lines. Blood soaking into your uniform. You quickly wrote a little note about how you were sorry for burdening the world as you shoved it by your bag and climbed over the railing.

'Mummy, Daddy. It's been so long but we'll be together soon and then we can be a family again. No body wanted me here anyway so what's the point of living when I could be with you' you thought.

You take a deep breath and you prepare to jump.

"DON'T DO IT (Y/N)" you hear a familiar voice scream in fear. You turn your head to see Katsuki with a worried expression. Tears flooded your eyes again.

"And why not, no one wants me here anyway, I'm just a burden like you said." You say looking down at the dark water below.

"I didn't mean any of the things I said back there, I was just pissed of and chose to unleash my anger into you. You were never a problem, it me that's the problem. So come back on this side where your safe" he said in a desperate plea to get you down. But you weren't listening, the words from before still implanted in you mind like glue. Just as you were about to jump, two arms grabbed yours and pulled you back over to safety.

"NO, LET ME GO KATSUKI, JUST LET ME DIE SO I'M NOT BURDENING THE WORLD, LET ME GO SO I CAN BE WITH MY PARENTS YOU BASTARD" You say as you burst into tears. Your emotions finally breaking.

Katsuki pulled you into his arms as he cried as well.

"I'm sorry, I'm so god damn fucking sorry I caused this. You were doing so well and I caused you to relapse on the day you needed me with the most. I'm so fucking sorry (Y/N)." He cried as you felt hot tears hit your shoulder. 

After a few minutes of crying he pulled back and looked at the mess you had made of your still bleeding wrists.

"Come on, we need to get you home so  we can clean these up"

"I dont want to burden you again"

"You won't, I made a promise you myself I would look after you and I'm never going to break it"

After that Katsuki made sure you never felt like a burden ever again. Hr helped you through everything and eventually you stopped cutting all together. And it was all thanks to him.

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