Quirk Malfunction: Todoroki x Reader

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Quirk is plant manipulation. You can control any plant based thing like trees, grass, flowers. It has to be all flora. No animals can be controlled. Broken or dead branched or leaves can also be controlled and moved around. You can only control a few at a time currently

Today something about the way you felt just felt off. Physically and mentally you felt fine. But there was just this feeling of unease with yourself you could get rid of.

Your day apart from that started out relatively good. After getting ready and packing your assignments in your school bag you make your way down to the common room to get some breakfast and see your boyfriend.

The half and half boy was sitting in his usual seat waiting for you like he did everyday without fail. Just as you were about to sit down your phone buzzed. You took it out of your pocket to see that your father had messaged you.

'I know that finals are coming up. So you better be studying. Remember I'll bring you back home and pull you out of the retched school if you don't keep up your graded. I'm sure your mother feels the same.'

You sigh and reply with

'Yes sir' you knew that your mother didn't care about your graded one bit. As long as you were happy she was happy. Your dad on the other hand was a wealthy business man who didn't like the idea of heroes.

You take your seat next to Todoroki after getting breakfast. He had seen your mood change after you looked at your phone and immediately knew what was wrong.

"Did he text again my love" he said pulling you into his side and placing a kiss on your cheek. You simply nod in reply and show him the message. He hugs you tighter.

"Dont stress about him. I know for a fact Mr Aizawa wouldn't let him take you out of the hero course. You have to much potential."

"Yeah I hope so. I really wanna become a hero" you sigh

"And you will my love. We both will, together. Now how about we finished breakfast and head off to class." You smile in response.

Most of the classes went the same as usual. Slow and boring. You were relatively smart even though Momo and Iida tended to help you out with study every now and again.

Although your father had been hassling you all day messaging almost every hour reminding you about what would happen if you failed these exams. This was causing you to get really stressed out. And your boyfriend notice.

Just before hero training you messaged your mother. Begging her to get your father to stop messaging you. Her only reply was.

"Ill see what I can do. Not making any promises though darling. You know what he's like"

Yea, control freak, overbearing. And overall asshole. Just to name a few.

For hero training you had to develop new ways to improve your quirks. You were trying to increase both range and amount of plants you could control. At the moment you could only control one big plant or 3 little plants at one time. Both required a lots of concentration.

The only problem with today was that your quirk wasn't working at all. You couldn't even move a tiny leave off the ground where usually you could get one to swirl around the room.

You expressed your concerns to Mr Aizawa and he seemed slightly suspicious and told you to keep and eye on your quirk. Otherwise he told you to keep trying. By the end of the class you were feeling pretty shit. You couldn't accomplish a single thing today which only causes your concerns from earlier to come back. What if your father really did pull you out.

You walked out of the change room and started to make your way back to the dorms. You were almost back when Todoroki came up beside you.

"My dear you didn't wait for me, is something the matter" he inquires.

"My quirk wasn't working today during training and I dont know whats going on, what if my dad really does pull me out Shoto."

"(Y/N), not if I have anything to do with it you won't. Your an amazing person. Dont let him tell you otherwise." Todoroki says defensively. 

As you turn the corner to the dorm your phone bussed again. You pull it out unwillingly and read the nasty message from your father.

'How dare you (Y/N) (L/N), getting your mother to tell me to stop messaging you. That is the most disgusting thing I have ever heard. That is the most rude I have ever been told and to be told to by my daughter is even worse. You better hope you get straight As missy otherwise they'll be hell to pay for this atrocious action.'

Tears started to fill your eyes and you drop both your phone and bag on the ground. All the build up emotions were finally about to erupt. Out of the corner of your eyes you see Todoroki about to comfort you when something wraps around your arm. You instantly recognised it as a vine. It didn't take long until many other vines from the trees wrapped around your body and lifting you onto the air.

This sent you into a panic. Many other plants started to form around you. Branches wrapping around and cutting your arms and legs. Leaves swirling around. Your quirk was going out for control and you didn't know how to stop it.

"SHOTO HELP!" You scream. Tears of fear running down your face. The commotion had caused your classmates to run outside to investigate. Todoroki ignited his flames and looked to everyone.

"GO GET MR AIZAWA. NOW!" He shouts at your classmates as they scatter. He looks to you and yells with concern.

"Dont worry I'll get you out" he sends a jet of flames at the branched near you. Hoping to free you. However this only caused the vines the become more aggressive and tighten around your body. Your let out a scream in pain.

"Shoto I'm scared, I dont know how to stop it. Its not listening" you scream at him. Your heart racing through your chest the vines were squeezing your body so tightly it was getting hard to breath. The branches had also cut into your skin. You didn't know what to do.

Todoroki was quick to send another wall of flames at you. This time it burned the vines away for a few seconds before more found their way around you. You let out another scream as it tighten enough to almost snap your bones. Your whole body was covered in plants.

Mr Aizawa was out seconds later and instantly tried to use his quirk but because he couldn't see you it didn't stop it.

"Todoroki, I need you to burn those plants in front of (Y/N), I need to be able to visibly see her for my quirk to activate."

"But what if my flames hit her sir" Todoroki questioned

"Burns can be healed. If those vines wrap around her neck she'll suffocate. There's no way to reverse death. Her burns will heal."

"Please forgive me my love" he mutters as he send a huge flame jet at you, successfully burning enough plants for Aizawa to use his quirk, effectively stopping your quirk. You fall to the ground and Todoroki catches you, you weakly lift up your head. Thankfully you hadn't been burned but your tear stricken face was enough to make his ache.

"We need to take (Y/N) to the infirmary. You can fill me in on the way Todoroki." Aizawa says as Todoroki lifts you into his arms and carry your semi unconscious body to the infirmary.


In the days after the event Aizawa put you on bed rest until your body had recovered enough. You only sustained minor injuries however the circumstances were very close to being different. Aizawa was also informed about the issues with your father and he intended to have a very lengthy conversation with your father to ensure this stress never happened again.

Shoto was with you for the entire time afterwards. Not leaving your side for a single moment you both stayed curled up in bed as you still tried to figure out what went wrong that day.

"There is no need to stress my love. I am always here to protect you. Forever. Nothing will every happen to you on my watch. I promise".

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