Request: Quit Laughing (Sero x Neko Reader)

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This is a request from SimpleIsBeautiful13

"(Y/N)! Is that you, your soo cute and fluffy, let me pat your fur"


"Oh come on (Y/N) just once let me touch your cute little ears and pet your tail" Denki says, grabbing a hold of your tail causing you to screech in surprise. Denki then processed to fall on the floor laughing at the surprise reaction.

"Hey dude quit it, (Y/N) told you to leave them alone not to grab their tail" Sero says coming to the rescue. Taking (Y/N)'s arm and lead in them away from his idiotic friend.

"Sorry about him, he can be a dick sometimes but he's nice once you get to know him" Sero says once out of the blonde boys hearing range (which wasn't far).

"It's fine. I get it all the time so I'm use to it but thanks Sero" they reply back half heartedly. Remembering the bullies they faced in middle school. High school was a fresh start and it was alright for the most part until certain classmates ask to touch their ears or tail.

Yeah not happening

"Its fine, it's the least I could do, I could tell you were annoyed" he replies. (Y/N)'s cheeks flushed slightly, secretly glad that their crush was looking out for them.

"Heyyy (YYY/NNN), come back, I wanna hear you purr like a cat" Denki says again before laughing again. This was getting old.

"Will you quit laughing already. So what if I have a tail and ears. I'm no different from anyone else in our class!" (Y/N) screams at the boy. Fed up with his stupidity. Denki goes quiet before running away.

(Y/N) turns back to Sero and with a sudden burst of bravery ask.

"Sero would you like to go on a date with me sometime maybe". Sero just smiles and replies with.

"Hell yeah, I'd love to, just tell me where and when"

I know it's short but I hoped it was the request you wanted. Stay tuned for more chapters soon.

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