French cutie say what now?

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Merry Christmas to CaptainAluver , i know i break promises but those are the best kind :D Congrats to Canada 4-1 against Russia. HAPPY NEW YEAR IN A COUPLE HOURS OR MORE :))


"Ow" I might have slept the wrong way last night but it hurt to turn my neck around and boy did i feel fat after eating the big mac last night that Wedgie bought me because being me I of course hate Turkey and didn't eat dinner making that lame excuse that I had the stomach flu so they would let me slip. I look in the mirror and sigh.

"Why are you so cute?" I ask myself knowing i was being obsessed with me and besides it wasn't true the guys are just with me because they want to be. I Stopped thinking about that and moved on to brushing my hair out and then brushing my teeth. The team left this morning early so they could get started on practice, me? I chose to stay home instead of waking up at 6 in the morning to be at the arena at 7 and i thought it would prevent guys trying to impress me by checking each other into the boards or trying show off some fancy stick handling skills.

I felt annoyed, sad, i don't know how describe anything else because i was bored if i can come everything up together. Walking downstairs slowly, in my PJ's i walk up to the breakfast bar dumping food into my plate walking back to a table. Boredom is annoying. I watched TSN interview everyone and i was even bored hearing them talk about how practice was. I remember my uncle telling the guys about a wii,kinect and Xbox in the room above us, like a gaming type room but i never payed to him when he was talking. I got up and went one floor above the one we were staying as i heard the bell ding my mouth drops.

"Those douche bags!" I ran to the kinect switching the game from Kinect sports to Just dance 3

"ass holes" I mumble as the Kinect was thinking i felt my phone vibrate in my pocket so i took it out seeing Wedgie phoning me

"Hell no" i say " you morons didn't tell me that there was just dance 3"

"she found the Kinect" all the guys starting moaning and groaning 'Annie'

"It's fun!" I yell into the phone selecting party rock turning it up

"please don't ruin my game!" Nathan yelled into the phone " I swear Annie you ruin it, i'll kill you"

"Ha ha that will get you guys moving fast...."I said Evily bring my finger tips together "MUHAHAHA"

"COACH WE NEED TO GO!" Wedgie yelled desperately then hanging up on me. I didn't mess the game up but i learned how to dance!!!

"LADIES AND GENTLEMEN A NEW WORLD RECORD!" I shout running around the room with my arms out like i was an airplane "and in three..two..on-"

"ANNIE PLEASE!!" Nathan swung open the door on his knees crawling over to the kinect as if i shot him and he was dying

"I beat your high score" I stick my tongue out and he jumps up

"hell no" He says moving his hips,head, and finger in a circle"I challenge you"

Smiling "Challenge accepted" I give the Annie smile before hip checking him to control the kinect selecting Beautiful Liar. The guys slowly started gathering into the room slouching on the couch drinking soda or water just something to re hydrate themselves. Once the girls appeared on the screen wearing skirts and the guys figured out Nathan was the one in the red outfit they brusted out laughing.

"What the hell? What song?"

"Beautiful Liar"

"I haven't dance to this no fair"

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