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"Was it that bad?" His dress shirt sleeves where pushed up and his tuxedos jacket was thrown over his shoulder. The big surprise coming out of tonight is the person walking beside me on our way back to the hotel. Despite the fact it was about -19, he still wanted to be a rebel but once I got Goosebumps he wrapped his jacket around me.

"What's so bad?"

"The fact that you loved Michaël and Ryan more than me," A false statement left his mouth; I do have feelings for him even though I loved the other two more. It is complicated, he meant a lot to me, all the boys in fact but it was just Ryan and Michaël were the top of my list.

"Regardless of how everything that hap-"

He impolitely cut me off. "Please you said nothing to me about how you feel in fact, once Murray got up you jumped and ran for him.” I was hoping he wouldn’t bring that up; it was just a reflex to stop Murray.

“Finally,” I mumble under my breath as we get to the hotel. We stop right at the doors and he finally stared at me with his beautiful green eyes.

"Thank you Annie," I was left with my mouth opening and closing like a fish without water. What did I do to get a thank you? "You showed me and made me feel how those girls felt in the past with me, I feel like a complete jerk" He quickly wiped my tear and took me in his warm arms; I returned his hug with my arms around him.

"I'm so sorry Nathan." His grip tightens on me, assuring me that it's alright. The water works didn't want to stop.

"I'll still love you but we’re just going to have to live with the fact that I probably just love another girl more then I love you.” At this point I couldn't tell what his real emotions were . We separated from the hug and just stared at each other, confused on what life’s doing and the mistakes that we had made in the past.

"Night,” he took my hand and kissed it with a wink and his perfect, bad boy smirk.

"Good night Nathan." I took my hand back and entered the hotel getting stares from all of the boys on the team. I couldn't tell if they were disappointed or fine, they all remained quiet.

I wanted to cry, I wanted to just disappear and wish I never came here.

Gallagher was standing by the elevator with Scheifele and Mark Stone. They all were joking around and smiling and then I came along…

"Hey guys," I gave the best cherish cat smile that I could give but got silence.

The elevator arrived and I entered holding it for them.

"We’re going to catch the next one." I was definitely hurt and confused but I continued through with their request. The door closes leaving me cry by myself. I had purposely hit all the buttons not caring what people thought when they saw me crying in the corner of the elevator.

I got the anger and frustration feeling that it was my entire fault. I can and will never be with those sweet guys ever in my life.

"Annie," my uncle's voice announced as he walked in. "Don't stress the little things, come on out." He picked me up and walked me back to the hotel room.

"Michael stop," Taylor's voice is one of those perky little bitch’s voice that I hate and now it’s clear that she is drunk.

"Let me go." I pushed out of my uncle's hug. If there's anything, Michael can't see me cry.

"Michael, no lady friends past 10." It was a rule that Hockey Canada made and it was already 1 in the morning.

"Coach she's drunk, I don't know where she lives."

"Well come take An-"

"No, I'm fine." I brushed my uncle off and headed to the room while he sorted out Michaël’s issue.

This was one of my favorite dresses; it was just beautiful, now it's something I can't stand to look at without thinking of the dance. Nail, that freaking bastard hasn't even spoken to me!

"Annie," Well I guess I spoke to soon. Nail fumbled his way into the bathroom heading straight for the toilet and puking. I held his jacket back and went through the pain of his stench before being pushed to back up.

He pointed his ugly, crooked, Russian style, finger at me.

Note to self:

Don't mess with drunk Russians

"You slutty little Bitch!" Every time I stepped back, he moved closer. Aggressively, he grabbed my arm pulling me towards him to only smell the stench that reeked from his mouth. "I thought you loved me! But you date not only 5 but 6 guys." The next thing I feel are tears streaming down my eyes and a horrible pain coming from my right cheek. He slapped me. That stupid Russian touched me and called me a Slut-worse, a slutty bitch!

"You fucking, dick face, ass hole! To think you had a brain, what stupid little slutty gold digger would want you? You're just another cocky bastard with his head caught up in his ass. Well news flash, get it out before I stick it up any further because honey, I'm Annie Kayla Sidney Smith and I don't take any shit from anyone, definitely not a Russian."

Nail looked at with horror in his eyes. Stumbling, he runs past me out the door.

I couldn't believe I said that. I FINALLY TOLD HIM OFF!

The next thing I hear is an applause, spinning around I see Wedgewood smiling at me.

"So that's what a nuclear explosion looks like," I started crying again. It just happened, I don't know why because 5 seconds ago I was fine.

"What am I-"

"Annie Kayla Sidney Smith, you little slutty pants!" out of nowhere someone jumped from behind Scott warming me in a hug.

Vanilla scent...

"Mckayla," the relief was in my voice. I missed and needed her and now she is.

"5 hot guys, I don’t blame you. Especially for the Murray, Hamilton, and Beaulieu boy." She gave me a wink before I could scan to see her wearing a cocktail dress.

"Where you..." she nodded her head indicting that she was at the party.”Gosh I missed you so much!" I retackled her with a hug.

"Your little Wedgie here helped me up stairs."

"Anything for a pretty lady," Scott winked. This can't be happening, they’re flirting!

"Thank you Scott. You should get back before someone complains you're not in bed." After addressing him, I gave a firm hug telling him I appreciated his help.

"You change and come to my room." Mckayla handed me a slip with her room information.  I changed out of the dress and took a bubble bath to calm myself down. Once I got out, my hair was back to the crazy curly funk.

Mckayla wasn't even in her room; she was flirting with Wedgewood...again. Rolling my eyes, I pushed her to open her room door leaving Scott outside in the Hall way.

I flipped through the channel as the two of us sat on her bed finally choosing to watch NHL's goals of the week.

"Wanna talk?" Mckayla moved her arm around my shoulder as I started crying at first.

"Well it started with Nathan Beaulieu..."


Can't think of a way to end this chapter. Sorry for not updating lately, couldn't think of an idea for this chapter but I must admit my favourite part was swearing at Yakupov.

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