They thought-She said(Part Trois)

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Suggestions for this chapter..

-Box of tissues

-Cheesy love story movies that you watch after a break up (Titanic,Notebook,Dear John...)

-Ice cream

- A dart board set

-And yes for the first time in history...Nail Yakapov's face printed out to past onto a dart board :) (Note to self: Do that)

Enjoy the chapter :D


She was pretty that's for sure, her blond hair was set in prefect curls falling impeccably on her shoulders. Yet Michael had a smile all across when he looked down at her like he used to do to me.

He pecked her cheek furthermore she walked over to the giggling girls who joined her in the freaking out moments. Michael looked over at me and shrugged his shoulder as if it doesn't matter to him anymore about me which he should because...AM I JELOUSE?! No.

'Stage one Annie, Denial.'

Without Nail or even waiting for him I speed walked over to the ice or black top now, and took a seat in the team Canada table while the coaches talked in here to avoid the noise of the boys yelling.

"I'm pretty right?" I said to myself out loud not caring if anyone heard me at this moment. "Forget it"

"Can I please have all the players and coaches make their ways over to the tables"

"Annie please stop running off on me!"

"I'm sorry Nail," I snap for the third time today pulling my arm back from him. "I need to go to the washroom"

"Now? They do speech"

I patted his cheek "A speech that doesn't count towards me. Just forget I ever was born kay?" With that I started walking towards the bathrooms passing by some United States boys' on the way there. Also receiving so uncomfortable wolf whistles, this is what you get for wearing a dress that isn't tight or short.

"Annie!" I stop myself from entering the womens washroom and turned to scan the crowd to see who was looking for me. Finally the ginger head pops up with a smile that spread from his left ear to his right. "Hi, I haven't seen or spoken to you since your date with Nail. Are you okay? Are we okay?"

"Yeah fine" A big fake smile was on me right now, I wish I could just speak the truth just like that and gain forgiveness in the same way. “I really need to-"Just as my thumb pointed to the washroom Dougie nodded his head and kissed my hand.

"I'll see you later on then"

"Yeah" I backed into the washroom the turned to face the inside. There she stood, as flawless as Michael pictured her to be. The girl looked over to me and smiled then put her hand out to shake.

"Hi I'm Taylor"


"Annie? by any chance did you date Michael"

"It's Mee-Cal a French name not Michael" That slipped "Sorry I'm -my dad side of the family was really good at French and it's a thing that passes through the family" My voice started to die a little as kept nodding her head with a raised eyebrow. "No I never dated him"

"Mee-Cal" She repeated trying to get it in her head "Thanks I'll remember that"

"he likes romantic stuff" I think back to the bridge in Banff and the cute little dinner best part of it was my reaction to how he was 19 already. “he’s pretty sweet don't hurt him is all I ask, he seems to like you"

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