National 'RUIN MY LIFE'day

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Hey I know it's been a long time since I uploaded but life isn't really an easy road for me lately :/ I wrote this all on my phone so don't judge the grammer. BTW this chapter and the next is all about Michael and Annie.

Thanks for sticking with me :)


"Bye,bye beautiful mountains" I say putting my hand on my forehead to make it Shakespeare dramatic.

"Annie that's enough" Uncle Don says but I just tell him to hush

"Good bye beautiful bridge" I heard Michael Chuckle "Ice rink"that gets Dougie laughing "Oh I can never for get you subway!"Nathan had more of a snort "oh and that super cute dress shop and snowboarding down those mountains,actually more like rolling'' Murray tasers me making me yelp "How could I ever forget that awesome Granny?!"

"That's the first" Scott mumbles under his breath even though he doesn't know I was lying. I planted my butt on the snow outside of the hotel.

"I'm protesting!" I yell as I start making a snow angel in the snow with my sweat pants on.

"Annie please get in the bus"Uncle Don begged like a mother at the end of the day with her 5 year old hyper child.

"Make me" I was never leaving Banff it was just to pretty to leave, I mean anything and any place is pretty when there's an Annie there but come on.

"Cocky much" I look at Nathan confused, I didn't even say anything.

"excuse me"

"Well you said 'Banff's pretty but I mean anything and any place is pretty when there's an Annie there'."

"Did I really say that out loud?" I ask embarrassed now but they all reply laughing. Strome came and sat down beside me.

"I shall protest with Annie because there are a lot of smoking hot girls here and they either ski,snowboard or are here for a dance competition"

"Thank you Stromey even though that was disgusting to a female who isn't counted as hot"

"No don't get me wrong Annie your really hot-"

"What?" Dougie asked furrowing his eyebrows

"No I mean she's not hot but-"

"Now she's not hot? what is wrong with you!" I laugh as Nathan get's possessive and how Strome isn't getting let out of this situation easily like he planned.

"Okay,okay give him a break" I say making them all shut up with Strome mouthing Thank you but with an angry face on. I give a cheeky smile before feeling the water from the snow seep through my pants. "Awe mans"

"Either Her butt's cold or she is finally feeling the water seeping through"Scott says like the know it all nerd he is. I place my hands under my butt to prevent anymore from seeping in but it only worked a little bit. Strome put a pout on knowing I was about to give in and got up himself.

"Come on Annie," He leaves his hand out and I take it while everyone started cheering I just ignore and put my headphones in full blast searching through my music list selecting Animal Neon Trees since I haven't heard that song in a long time. I knew the guys could probably hear my music but I just ignored that and went straight to the back beside Michael.

"Hi," I say smiling

"About time" I look outside and see everyone still loading luggage then I look at Michael hoping he was going to do what I wanted him to do. Eventually my hoping' of him to kiss me happened but it was small one then he slipped something in my hand. I sneak it into my pocket as I heard Devante come on the bus yelling

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