The Day with Nathan

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  • Dedicated to Jenna

 This is to CaptainAluver again because i wouldn't have completed this without her help and i mean it,also to my excited Bestie Jenna who was just told she's  going to JB's concert even though she hates him. BTW the song in the slide is the theme song for the IIHF :D


"Annie get up" i put my hand up still sleeping and started feeling my uncles face to slap him, i came across his lips and felt a smirk i knew Right away that my uncle would have asked 'what the hell?'. I felt the face come down closer to me ,close enough that i could feel his breathing on my lips and that's when i shot my eye's open hitting my forehead on Nathan's.

"God you can't just wait?" i say rubbing my head

"With lips like that no" i heard him say under his breath

"what?'' i asked

"nothing, i said i bit my lips today" i rubbed my head "sorry" he says touching the spot on my head

"it's fine" i say swapping his hand

"alright promise me today we can hang out"

"Okay what about everybody else?"

"their going to watch a movie"

"shouldn't we go with?"

"well what if i just want to spend the day with you?"

"alright, why would i do that?" i say leaning on the head board and he pushes me down to the side

"because i could do the unthinkable"he let me go "but your different"

"okay,bye"i have to admit it i'm scared now and he was laughing

"see you downstairs"he says flashing me a smile

"eep" i say as he shut the door shaking his head still smiling, worse i hit my head on the Headboard, "did he just-Wow" i don't know if i should be scared or happy but right now i know i smiling don't know what for but i couldn't stop.

"hey Annie" Murray says making me shoot up from the bed


"do you wanna hang out today?"he starts scratching the back of his nervously and i felt my heart melt

"um actually Nathan asked me already" he dropped his hand to his side "Well i guess that mean's i have officially booked tomorrow,all day ,for you" he smiled

"that works"


"so i'll talk to you later?"

"for sure" i say smiling watching him leave and falling back on the bed, alright two guys to pick from that shouldn't be hard. I layed there again thinking of which one i'm going to pick and just when i thought it was over Dougie ran in

"Hey Ann what'cha doing today" he says laying down beside me

"going  to hang out with Nathan"


"yeah we're just hanging out nothing more"

"alright how about tomorrow?"

"Murray asked"

"The day after tomorrow? hey it's a good movie" i laugh

"you've    got it booked"

"alright see you tonight"

"yup" he leaves the room.

"Hi so i'm guessing your booked , after Dougie count me in for that spot"Scott didn't say anything after that, he shut the door behind him and left. Alright 4/5 boys asked me out, french cutie is missing so i got up. And wrote down everyday i was hanging out with the boys and put Michael down for Friday.

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