Epilogue- The dilemma

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Peaking through the window, you would see  the exact same thing from a cheesy Christmas movie. Happy family, one daughter and one son, family dressed in onesie's. Why should someone ruin that? I turned around after seeing my "step-mom" sit in my dads lap. They're happy.

"They're happy and I'm not." I repeated out loud to myself. The next thing I know is a snowball leaves my hand and smashes with the window.

That was amazing.....

I built up 5 more and threw them at the window endlessly and speed and strength building up after every throw. The strawberry blonde mother came to the window to see me chucking the snowballs.

"DANIEL," She quickly squealed to the so called father of mine. He ran over to the window and scrunched his nose trying to inspect me. Next to them were their children, 17 year old boy and 18 year old daughter.

"Fuck you DANIEL HAY!" I wasn't even thinking. I took the snowball in my hand and chucked it at my dad who came out to yell at me. "You messed me up..." My knees were going to buckle on me any second.

"Dan...who is she?" The mom asked.

"I don't know. Hey kid it's fine if you need help, tell me your parents number I'll get them to pick you up."

"You mean pick me up every time I fall down? The father that was supposed to push me to be better? The one that was supposed to give my boyfriends ' the talk'? Yeah well here's his fucking number." I wrote the number I remembered when I was a kid. He examined the number while I walked to my rental. His eyes widened as he remembered it was the same number he had when he was in Saskatchewan.

"Dad, she has Hay on the back of her sweatshirt." The son quickly explained making every thing click in place for my dad. I rapidly switched the gears and pulled out of the driveway.

I stopped at the gas station by the hotel still emotionally unstable. I was still ready to throw things around to express my anger and just cry till the end of time. That wasn't how I planned reuniting with my father .

"Stupid, stupid, stupid,'' I repeated banging my head harder and harder on the steering wheel.

"ANNIE!" I was put to a pause as someone kept banging on my window to get my attention. Harrington's stood outside my car with a girl beside him. It seemed as if I interrupted their date.

Rolling my window down, I gave him a slightly assuring smile. "Hey," I sniffled.

"What are you doing to yourself, Ann?"Scott said with a sign of confusion. "Are you okay?"

I looked back and forth between him and the girl. "Scott everything's fine it's just Christmas, I'm felling homesick that's all."

"Sorry this is Marie, Marie this is Annie. The coaches niece," he introduced us two girl's. I started the car up again and waved at the two.

"I'm sorry but I need to get back to the hotel before my uncle  get's worried. I'll see you two around hopefully."Just as I pulled my window up Scott opened the door and whispered,"Annie, you can't lose something you never had." Then he shut it as I sped out of the parking lot. What was that supposed to mean?

-I never had a dad

-I never had a mom who REALLY cared

-I've never felt loved by anyone but my uncle

It never made sense when Scott said it and what he was trying to get across to me. Pulling into the parking lot of the hotel, I was able to redeem myself and walk with my head held high and a smile plastered on. A mask that I've been wearing for the longest time ever.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 15, 2014 ⏰

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