It's days like this

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I don't know how I feel about this chapter... Anyways CaptainAluver a deal is a deal ;) pay up. Dedicated to NHLfureak8 Thanks for listening and helping moi when I needed help with a friend


Annie what happened?" My uncle woke up because of my whimpering during my sleep. All it took was for me to think of Michael than I would start crying.

"Nothing" I lied but it is obvious that if it was nothing then I wouldn't be crying.

 "We have an exhibition game tonight-"

 "No! Please no" he looked over at the alarm clock.

 "Annie it's already 12 and the boys keeping coming over and if it's nothing then why were you laying with Wedgewood last night?"

 "Please just leave me alone!" I was tired of it! Tiered of people saying it's going to be okay when it's not or even people trying to care because it never even helped.

 "I'm sorry I can't be there for you Annie" With a quick kiss on my forehead he left me alone in the room. Last night after Wedgewood left I made a heartbreak playlist last night to go with what I was feeling deep down in me. A silent knock was placed on the door outside and I armed myself with a pillow in case if it was:

 A) Nail

 B) Bournival

 The thought of him made me ball my eyes refusing to say hi or come in and cause one of the guys saw me they would start questioning on what was going on unless Bournival meant it when he was going to tell everyone. The person knocked again for the second time today and I still didn't want to respond.

 "Annie its Nathan"

 "Not now" I yell back at the door as I got up to change out of my PJ's and planning on what I was going to do for the rest of the trip here in Edmonton. I put my hair in a pony tail then walk out pouting around the room.

"Wedgie gave me the key you know and who listens to Halo right now, at this moment?" Nathan tried joking but it didn't work on me I had to keep a straight face and I found myself not even wanting to go near Nathan. "Hey do you know what's up with Bourni-"

 "Where were you last night?" Nathan stopped talking as soon as he saw me crying when I asked the question.

"Annie I-"

"You what? You couldn't handle the fact I was dating another guy and you? Nathan how do you think those girls feel when you sleep with them one night and then move on to another girl huh? How do you think I felt when I saw you at the rink with that girl?" The whole time I was talking Nathan didn't bother to talk or rebut or defend himself instead he bowed his head knowing he screwed up. "Nathan I don't have the energy to fight please leave “I directed my hand towards the door inviting him to get out in which he gladly accepted kissing my cheek then leaving. Sure I felt guilty but a side of me didn't care because I thought he deserved the lecture. The songs changed to big girls don’t cry and just the name of the song when I selected it made me want to cry even more. My phone buzzed on the night stand shaking the whole thing.

Ryan: Hey you! Mind if I drop by to see my favourite gal

Me: I think I'm getting a cold best if you stay away

I waited a little longer for a reply from him, like maybe even 7 minutes and then he replies and if it took him that long to reply then he must be upset.

Ryan: I understand Pooh bear text me when you feel better I can't stand one second without looking at your face

I dropped my phone after reading the last part not that I was in 'awe' I felt like a slut and maybe just maybe Michael was 100% correct. I hugged my knees and started crying harder not stopping a whimper or tear not go from me. Sooner or later Michael is going to do what's best for his teammates and tell them everything I did and when he does my uncle could lose his position as head coach then he'll hate me forever. Things and memories started coming back to me as I think back to the bus and how Michael gave me something that I still haven't bothered to look at, even when we were 'Dating' because I was so busy with the whole Nail thing and trying to keep the boys away from each other. I got up in one second and sprinted to the jacket I wore that day searching through the pockets for the box. Finally my hand meets something velvety so I pull it out to see a ring box. A gasp left my lips since the possibility of him getting this from an expensive store is really high because like I wish I could have said and realised Michael really REALLY did like me. I opened the box slowly and started crying as I saw the letters on the rings or more like words and then again I was on the ground crying my eyes out.

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