5 on 1

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Hey-o i love Team Canada and thanks to CaptainAluver i'm posting today, you supported and helped me a lot....May you and Dougie or Scott live happily ever after.Please please please comment other wise i'm going to hold back posting , and give me feedback on what i could fix.



"Annie!" I quickly shut my laptop cover ,"are you ready? Uncle Don's waiting."

"right" I stuffed my laptop into my backpack and then grabed my suitcase, being left to only run downstairs in excitement.

"What were you doing on your laptop?" she asked once i got my shoes on

"i was just doing my essay"

"well your uncle's going to be late"

"that's okay they're just taking pictures at 9"

"hey kiddo'' my uncle kissed my forehead and grabbed my bag hugging my mom goodbye. I got into his fancy Lamborghini. See this is the whole fancy story, my uncle is Don Hay my dad's older brother and my mom's brother is Darren Eberle so Jordan Eberle is my cousin. Anyway's my dad's from Kamploops and mom's from Regina and Jordan is like 3 years older then me.

"so you nervous?" i asked my uncle crossing my legs on my seat

"Team Canada's junior boy's coach" he say's shaking his head "i more then nervous ,i'm terrified"

"if you can teach me soccer you can take these guys far"

"did you do you research?" we had this bet on who i think is going to make the team

"yeah" i say smiling pulling my laptop out

"Defence is:

Nathan Beaulieu

Jamie Oleksiak

Brandon Gormley

Dougie Hamilton

Mark Pysyk

Scott Harrington

Ryan Murray


Scott Wedgewood and Mark Visentin" he smiled which i knew right away that i got them right


Jaden Schwartz - Captain

Michaël Bournival

Jonathan Huberdeau

Brendan Gallagher

Freddie Hamilton

Brett Connolly - Assitant captain

Tanner Pearson

Mark Stone

Ryan Strome

Mark Scheifele

Boone Jenner

Quinton Howden - Assitant Captain

Devante Smith-Pelly - Assistant Captain

so did i get them right?" he laughed

"yes"he replied playing with the temperature

"yeah i know i watched they're tryout videos that you sent me" i closed my document and went to work on my homework

"how much did they assign?"

"just this 3 page essay which is about my break" i smiled and he smiled just like my dad did which made me melt

"sorry"he took my hand "no one expected him to leave like that"

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