Another reason why I'm

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Dedicate to CaptainaLuver, your the best friend any girl could ask for well a girl like me who loves hockey. I could trade my sister for you any time of any day no matter what the situtation is and thank again so much for that wonderful picture you made my Christmas better :))


"I like big butts and i cannot lie, you other brothers can't deny" I start singing as me and Devante get breakfast. I stick a piece of bread in my mouth since my plate was full and only had enough space for a little bottle of Chocolate milk.

Devate laughs at me while i srunch my nose as it's itchy.

"Need help" I shake my head 'no' to him before proceeding to my seat sitting like they teach you in pre-school 'Criss-cross apple sauce' yup never gets old. By the time i'm sitting down i have finished eating the bread and now able to scratch my nose. "You do know you're eating more then us guys and we're the ones playing in a tournament"

"I think you just answered my rebuttal"He looked at me confused as i applied butter on my pancakes "You guys are the ones playing in a tournament, not me idiot" I hit the back of his head as i tried cutting the pancake with a knife and dipping it in the syrup. Epic fail, the pancake got stuck in the syrup and like always i gave up and used my hands to eat breakfast while Devante continued to eat like a gentle men with his knife and fork.

"Boys" I say chewing and talking  "who say 'girls' are well mannered'." I laugh at that and he rolls his eyes

"Jeez Annie you high on crack?"

"Yup" He places the fork and Knife down slowly before bursting out laughing "why am i trying to act sophisticated?"

"Because you and Stromey had a bet"

"stupid- i mean, That man is a great,  A man that i have not hate towards"

''I heard him say something about going after Chloe Kardashian after you won her when you played that other bet" His mouth dropped as he slammed everything down walking over to Strome believing my lie.

"STROME!" he yells angry "MY LADY!" I laugh harder, almost wanting to just get on the ground and roll around laughing my head off.

"Oh that's funny" I say pointing to them then banging my hand on the table

"You think you can take my lady?!" Devante picked up a pancake that was covered in syrup placing it on Strome face "How'd she taste?"

"BOYS!" That was my Que to leave before they tell my uncle it was me that told them everything white lie "What the hell is wrong with you? I can't be away for one minute without you guys fighting"

I whistle my way away from the yelling scene to the big Christmas tree in the lobby which is lit up with many lights and differen't colours.


"my turn" I say smiling and skipping over to my uncle, for some reason i can't wait to get yelled at.

"You're hopeless. Just invite me to your wedding" He walks away leaving everyone as the guys stood there glaring at me with arms folded in front of their chest.

"I LIKE BIG BUTTS CAN NOT LIE, YOU OTHER BROTHER CAN'T DINE"no smiles "SHAKE SHAKE SHAKE SENORA SHAKE IT LEFT AND RIGHT,RIGHT.WORK WORK WORK SENORA ALL TO MY RIGHT" no smile "AHH TELL WHAT YOU WANT WHAT YOU REALLY REALLY WANT" no smiles. "Stupid boys" I turn around and someone wraps their arms around my waists placing ice down the front of my shirt.

"COLD!!" i wanted to strip right on the stop, they knew i couldn't so i was running around with ice in my bra. "cold!!!!"  I shake my body downwards and only 2 fell out.  The guys stood there laughing at the payback they had got at me. One last thing to do and that was stick my hand in my shirt and take it out, which i did and grabbed all of them chucking them at the guys.

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