Someone made Yuck-A-Perv mad

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Alright to lazy to go back and Capitalize all the 'i' so please ignore my horrible grammar... Sigh isn't it awesome! This month, Last year i fell in love with Nuge, congrats to us on our 1 year love anniversary.


Let's just say my morning was crazy, Nathan came as soon as my uncle left so at 5am and left 7, then at 7:15am Ryan came over and he didn't leave until 9:15am.Dougie said he would take me out at 7 tonight and i told Ryan,Nathan, Scott and Michael that we're just hanging as friends. You know these things are hard to keep balanced you never know when one decided's to kiss you in front of everybody. I was busy fixing my hair that Ryan happily messed up when we were chasing each other around the room, And Nathan yeah i guess we just made out most of the time. Dougie told me it's not fancy and i should wear something comfy but i, in my words thought i should at least be presentable at the date.

"Hey cutie" My uncle says walking past the bathroom to his bed undoing his tie

"hi" I say as he lifted the cover's over him.


"night" I reply walking back to the washroom fixing my hair then walking down stairs to meet Dougie.


"Aren't you suppose to be downstairs you know amazed at how i'm wearing jeans and a 'Dorkasaurs' shirt" he laughed

"yeah I should be, how about this wait here"

"okay hurry back"

"I will" He left and I stood there by the elevator

"Hey"Wedgewood said "breaking hearts?"

"SHUT UP! I feel bad already and even if I didn't break hearts i would have to chose a guy to date so why not all?"

"That's something I would expect Nathan to do if he was the coaches nephew"

"Oh my god i'm on the dark side" I started fake crying in his chest

"There there poor maiden, what shall you ever do?"He say's patting my head

"Wedgewood stop flirting with coaches Niece and let's go" I started laughing and i move back

"thanks that was fun" we did a little man hug and chest pump my crying after.

"ow!"I rub my chest

"Bye"He say's running to Harrington and Michael, They well everyone 'knew' that i 'wasn't' dating anyone because i just thought i didn't need to distract or be an distraction.Dougie still didn't come up stairs and i started to wonder if he left me on purpose to see my reaction so i got into the elevator and went to the main floor.

"Wow you looks beautiful in jeans" i started laughing as i came out punching Dougie

"could have at least texted me to come down" he kept laughing

"let's go drama queen"


"calm down, i was just kidding" we got out

"so what are we doing?" it was dark and cold

"skating, what girl hates skating with their boyfriend" he flashed me a smile, ohh how i'm going to hate for him to figure out i played all 5.

"That's going to be fun"

"why? should i do something else?"

"No not like that, i played pick-up hockey with my cousin"

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