My schedules booked

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Dedicated to CaptainAluver!

HAPPY BELATED BIRTHDAY!!!! *even though I still owe you 1 more chapter of this and 'My knight in Shining armour'....You're the Best sister ever!*


"Alright so um you wanna come over at 4 for a movie?" I sat there eating breakfast with Scott since he wasn't feeling good enough to go to practice. "I can ask to order room service, so what do you say?" He picked at his lunch

"4it is"he gets up and i follow as he hugs me and kisses my cheek

"Bye Lollipop" He leaves the place just before Dougie enters smiling more then he ever does

"Hello kitty" He says kissing my cheek and continuing his way to the stairs, what did my uncle make him his official favourite player?

"Hey Dougie movie at my place 6 sharp be on time or i'm starting it without you" he nodded his head and then 5 minutes later Nathan enters smiling and rolling his hockey bag behind him

"Hey babe" he kisses my forehead and walks away

"I hate being called Babe. I feel like i'm being called that pig in the movie 'Babe'." he laughs and gets into the elevator as the door closes he winks at me.

"Movie? um 12 tonight because i've got things to do with my uncle" he nods his head 'yes' and leave .Rolling my eyes Murray enters and picks me up bridal style kissing me and placing me down.

"Hey pooh bear" he says

"Hi. I've got a movie do you wanna come over at 10?"

"Perfect timing" he kisses me one last time and leaves.

"Hello my beautiful petite amie" i giggle and smile at Michael who greets me with a kiss as well. petite amie means girlfriend in french.

"Um quickly. Would you like to watch a movie at 8? my place?"

"Perfecto" i playfully push him and watch him leave. FINALLY! I fall back on the couch and i heard clapping i look up side down when i see Wedgie.

"Bravo. So far you're balancing pretty good" I roll my eyes and pick up a pillow throwing it at him

"shut up. I need you to keep them busy and out of my room until it's their time"

"Fine"he sighs "i'll make them play NHL" I whimper, that could be me playing and enjoying the game....poop. Punching him in the arm as i walk past him, i leave the hotel like i was suppose to for the national 'Annie alone day'. I walked the streets of Banff myself, no boys, no uncle, no camera crews following me around (because of the boys) and absolutely no cell phone because it's National 'no cell phone day'. Alright half of these 'National' days are just made up by me but it allows me to just have me time and no trouble, I guess you can say i really just needed time alone  to think and to miss people. I got to the river me and Bournival were at last night and sat down on the little bench that was at the end of the bridge facing the river for people to sit on.

I move the snow with my sleeve so when i sat wouldn't leave water stains on my butt and cause attention. I bring my legs up 'Criss-cross apple sauce' style, that's how i learnt it and that's how i'll always call it. My hand was a little cold from the snow yeah i know why am i stating the obvious... i don't know. It was my choice, what my heart was telling me that was right to date all 5 boys at the same time and just having to pick a favourite boy.

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