They thought-She said(Part Un)

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  • Dedicated to Ryan Murray <3

We should love, not fall in love because everything that falls get's broken-Taylor Swift


"Annie get up their serving breakfast now!" Wedgie jumped on the bed pushing me to the other side so that I rolled off and ended up on the floor, which yes did happen.

"Ow you moron" I rubbed my bum since it happened to be the most effected spot from the tumble.

"Just trying to make sure Miss. Annie is eating and not starving herself to death after her thing with Michael" I brought my hand up to show him the ring but still had my eyes closed hopping this would distract him. "Did he really?"

"Yeah" I mumble half asleep then feeling my hand being dropped from his It was obvious maybe he was shocked.

"Give it back to him” Wedgewood flatly spoke as if it was the easiest thing to do in fact he tried getting it off of me himself.

"No why would I do that? Scott he hasn't asked for it back or-"

"You're scared aren't you?"

"Yeah" I sat back up holding my head in my hands trying to think about what I'm going to do."And then tonight's that stupid dance that no one warned me about I mean I have a dress and all but a little bit of a heads up would have been nice"

"Sorry my bad"

"Do you have a date?" He started blushing and I'm talking about Mr. Scott Wedgewood, he's the one that's blushing. "Oh my god that's great Scotty!" I felt like a proud little sister and sister because that's how I've always picture Scott as my brother.

"Yeah I just happened to meet her at the club"

"Club? " I asked raising an eyebrow and smirking

"Don't tell Nathan I told you but Him, me, Murray, Strome, Michael and couple other guys went to the club after the game"

"Murray. Club. Without me?! That's outrageous!"

Scott started laughing "Don't worry I think out of all the guys Murray drank one bottle-"

"HE DRINKS!" I jumped up so that I was looking down at him. How-when-why?

"Only one bottle relax Annie you probably would do the same" I bit my lip still frustrated at the news that I had just received.

"True that"

"Come on now, let’s go eat"


"Annie come on"

"I'm going to change meet you down their"

"Promise?" I stuck my pinkie out but crossed my other fingers because now to think I should return the ring to Michael.

"Promise" With that broken promise he left me in the room to think about what I'm going to do with the boys. So far I think it's time to tell them all what I've been doing lately and tell the guy I like that I have strong feelings for him. Scott Harrington is defiantly going to have to be out of my future now to think of it, he's got better options and better girls out there that would want him more plus they'll treat him ten times better than what I do. I was crying now that I thought of breaking his innocent heart for what he's done nothing to me at all not that anyone of them have done something to hurt me besides Nathan...

"You promised Wedger you'd be down in a couple minutes"

"What the?" I snapped my head around rolling my eyes at the person and of course he'd be here at this very moment of my dramatic life situation, decision thing. "Get out Nathan" He slowly shut the door behind him and sat beside me.

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