Change in life

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Not the best, just felt bad for not updating for my best friend Kayla so here it is. Hopefully I can end it in 1 or 2 chapters for your sequel :)


"So, the plan is that you write them all a letter apologising and give them a rose." It was 8 in the morning and Mckayla and I only got up early for free breakfast. Now that Christmas was here I had to do something...including a sorry note to Nail Yakupov and the other 5 boys.

"Why a rose?"

Mckayla rolls her eyes." Because, it is cute and romantic and just makes everything look better."  I still didn't see her point of why a rose but nodded and went along.

"Micky, I just want to go home. Away from everything to find my peace. “She reached over and gathered our hands together looking me straight in the eye.

"Running away when things get hard isn't the solution. Sid, your whole life you've ran away from problems why not have a change?"

"Because the last 'change' I had led to my dad running and leaving me without a phone call or good bye. Being rejected for two other kids that...I don't even know. I just want a perfect life, It’s like I'm meant to screw up and suffer something big and these small events are leading up to the biggest one of them all."

Mckayla looked behind me as I did too see that Michaël heard everything I said when he casually got his morning breakfast.

I removed myself from my seat leaving aside my untouched breakfast before scurrying away to my room. I had rather him hear me talk about my time of the month than hearing my emotional life speech.

"Annie! Wait up,” Mckayla clenched her nails into my arm and pulled me back, "don't show him it hurts, show him the real you, the strong girl he thought he had for almost 3 weeks!" I couldn't help but punch her in the arm... 'The girl he thought he had'

I gave her a stern look."Micky, go home." She rolled her eyes and left to go to her room.

"Everyone that tries to help you... You must have a degree in hurting people, Annie." I clenched my fists resisting it from flying at Dougie. Nicer when we 'dated'.

"Speak for yourself Dougie, I tried to make a decision but it's not my fault you guys are all different people. Imagine taking that great thing from each of you 5 and creating one perfect boys...Impossible."

He looked down and shook his head. "You tried. It’s like Deja vu but it isn't -"

"-Dougie do you understand my whole freaking life was like a hit and run. One day I'm camping with my mom and dad, the next he cheats on her and ends my whole life. People, guys, and friends that have touched me, that made me feel loved just take a piece of my heart and go. I don't know what I'm doing anymore! I don't know who cares and I for sure in hell know that I have depression. I can't get anything straight and yeah go ahead call me a slut guys," The boys that came out of their rooms continued to fake that they weren't listening, “I’m a slut, a whore, and for sure a bitch but you can't judge someone by their smile because I first hand know that is the only cover up they have left." So the boys chose to not mind their own business because they were still staring at us.

No matter how hard I tried I couldn't control my tears. I couldn't control my body physically and mentally as I ran past everyone into my room. Emotionally I have been broken and same with them but I never thought being or hanging out with a guy would lead to then thinking we are dating. I just wanted to get away from everything. Like Edmonton, Saskatchewan, anywhere I have been. I don't want to return or live a life that I have been living for the past 6 years. I want to start fresh.

Mckayla pleaded many times for me to open the door

But I knew I just needed time to sort myself our first before someone else tries to help.

“How about you open the door for Mark Scheifele?” I rarely talked to Mark in this trip unless the usual hey and see you later counted.

“Guys may I please figure this out on my own for now…Just please.” I heard their silent mumbles as they tried to catch Wedgewood up with everything.

“Alright, take your time we’re all waiting for a note-OW.” Mark immediately shut up I assume because of Mckayla’s boney elbow.  “Just take your time.”

What happened to my somewhat drama free life? What happened to being a happy teenager? I knew one thing for sure was that I needed to see my dad. If anything, coming out of this problem I realised that without him my life went downhill even though he was the one that left because he wanted to be there for his other children. A daddy is someone that loves you, that protects you from making stupid mistakes like cheating on 5(6 If you would like to include Yakupov as a human being) but if anything, my dad would know what to do.

I wiped the tears like my mom would have done if she was here minus the big speech. I found my pursue and changed from my jeans into my U-14 teams Mustangs sweatshirt with ‘Hay’ on the back…one that I haven’t worn for more than 6 years to assure my mom that I hated him. I then grabbed the keys to my uncle’s rentals after placing my hair into a pony tail with pro warp neatly holding back the hair from flying in my face.

The three of them stood in the hallways cracking jokes until Mark noticed me out side. I avoided them as I proceeded my way down the stairs to come to a shock. All six of them were talking together and laughing even though all hell broke loose last night. Yakupov included was standing there laughing until he saw me of course, then it all went into another story as Murray cracked me a smile. Doesn’t change anything.

“Annie, Micky said you were on the run, “Uncle Don swiftly moved in front of me to block the view of the boys.

My attention returned to him as I faked a smile. “Oh yeah! I need some Subway so I’ll see you in about an hour if I can find one.” Playing like old times, I laughed at my not so funny joke getting everyone’s attention. He fell for it as he kissed my forehead and dismissed himself.  Ryan’s eyes had never left me even when Uncle Don had come in the way, like he knew I was actually crying. I began my journey to the rental while searching for where my dad lived. Yes, getting the news that my dad lived in St. Albert, Alberta was heart breaking because that had meant when he left on his ‘business’ trips, they were actually to see this other lady.

980 Huntington Rd.

Switching my gear from park to drive, I knew this my was my green light

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