They though-She said (Part deux)

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Okay boring start of this moment (yeah I call it moment). But, I promise the next chapter is the best because I couldn't help but cry the whole time I wrote it. My favourite dress!!!! Anyways I'm going to try and get this for my grade 12 graduation :D


So Michael is going to be pissy at me just because of that stupid life mistake that I made. I mean if the guy liked me so much he could have told me or something, like given a sign of:

'Hey Annie you're the one I want, the one that I need.'

Who knew maybe I would have than gone up to all the guys and tell them that Michael likes me and he's actually confessed it. But then there's Murray and Nath-


"Excuse me?" I turn to Nail and smile weakly at him.

"Sorry I was just thinking of something."

"Me?" Cocky and self observed much? So that's how I sound at times.

"No Nail someone, something, other than you" I meant it rudely and said it nicely I just want to see which way he takes it.

"Thank you Annie. I got this you" Still rusty on the English eh? Probably a Russian dictionary so he can try to convert me and...

He pulled out a box, similar to the one that Michael gave me for the ring except bigger. Inside was a charm bracelet but not any, it was a soccer charm bracelet. My heart dropped and I swear the colour in my cheeks and whole body just disappeared.

"I-I" I don't know why I just magically became speechless but the freaking bracelet was amazing!

Nail chuckled and lifted my chin up to kiss him. I'm not drunk yet so whatever he was planning wasn't and isn't going to happen. I quickly wrapped my arms around him to prevent the kiss from being possible.

"Thanks” The limo's horn honked and out of the window from the top of Limo's roof popped up the same jerk that ruined my golden arms. He looked drunk already and that concerned me a lot since mom always told me NEVER to go in a vehicle with your 'boyfriend' and his drunken friends because you might as well get end up raped.

'Yolo Annie' true that brain. I walked over to the car and sat down waiting for Nail to enter after me.

"Hello donkey" The guy spoke rudely at me with a glare and half slurring his words of insult at me.

 I give him a cheeky smile. "Ello moron"

"She’s trouble Nail, I tell you once" To finish that he kissed the blond hair guy beside him.

"What the hell man!"

"I think I should go with the other guys" I opened the limo door and got out. "I'm just going to come with someone else"

"Who though?"

"I swear Nail you've asked more than 5 questions in the past 10 minutes today" He pouted at me and then nodded his head.


"Bye" I sang with a tint of happiness in my voice. I watched the Black limo leave me alone in the darkness of the hotel. Okay so maybe it wasn't dark but it was scary and I didn't want to go back inside having to face Murray and his 'You look beautiful' speech nor did I want to face Michael glaring at me.

I hit 1 for my speed dial and listened to my phone as it rang.

"Yellow?"There's that annoying but loving voice that I've wanted to hear.

"Hey Jordan I need you to do me a favour"

"Hey Ann-ster, what up?" Good thing Nail wasn't here otherwise I would explode if he asked me 'Why is your cousin so happy'

"Can you pick me up and drop me off at the arena?" I bit my lip, closed my eyes and crossed my fingers hoping he would say yes.

"Uh Annie I'm in Regina right now. Taylor's still in I can ask him to come get you" Me? In the Same car as Taylor  Hot- I mean Hall?

"Yes!" I said desperately then quickly slapping my hand on my forehead "I-I mean only if he's okay with doing that?"

"Yeah he will be" Jordan chuckles,” I’ll talk to you later he might be there in 15 minutes"

"Thank you so much Ebs" I give him a kiss through the phone.

"No problem Hay" With that we both hung up at the same time and I waited for the boys on Team Canada to get into their Limo all together while the coaches drove off in their cars. My Uncle obviously didn't notice me in fact no one did which doesn't surprise me since they all think I went with Nail. A blue Ford Mustang Boss 302 pulled up in front of me. My mouth dropped in shock, this was ten times better than arriving in a limo I mean talk about arriving in style for me!

Taylor roll's the passenger window down smiling at me than honking to get me to close my mouth.

"Oh my god! Talk about the girl whose got swagger"

"What?"He raised an eyebrow confused at me as I examined the car touching it like it was a fragile piece of glass.

"I'll pay you 50 bucks to say this is my car" It was a joke and Taylor understood that. He reached over and pulled the handle open as I pulled the door the rest of the way then seating myself on a leather seat. "Wow" was all I said for the first 5 minutes of silence.

Taylor chuckled, "It's fast too you know" he hit the gas as hard as he could to get a squeal out of me. The speed than dropped back to 80km/p instead of 140 but I personally think it was because I was screaming and threatening to tell Jordan that he almost killed us.

The Arena's lights were visible and then soon came the arena. He pulled up to the entrance and I gave him a hug and the guilty side of me must say I pecked his cheek seeing blush appear on his cheek.

"Bye and thank you" I say as my window was still rolled down since we came from the hotel.

"No problem Annie. Call me anytime"

"I don't have your number but thank you for the ride I'll make sure to stop by before I leave"

"Okay" He showed his disappointment by pouting in the most adorable way ever!

Don't fall for it Annie! You've already screwed up enough.

Why was I so right? It sickens me so much right now.

Nail saw me since he was standing inside by the glass doors, tapping his foot un-patiently. As he did a light jog to link arms with me, we proceeded to the entrance of the arena. I don't know why they decided to have the party in the arena guess it'll be cool to see the ice covered with the black mats.

"You late. You say you will come with team"

"Oh my goodness Nail I miss the freaking Limo big whoop!" I'm tired of hearing this annoying little pain in the butt talk consistently. "Get over yourself, I'm an adult now and I don't need you to control my adult life because for my whole freaking childhood for 17 years my mom controlled my life. Thank you for trying but I don't think this whole protective guy is your thing to do."

"Understand" He bowed his head down taking my jacket than handing it to one of the waitresses. I than straightened out my dress trying to make sure it was perfect in order for me not to look like an idiot.

The arena looked pretty normal to me; we were in the lower bowl entrance so there were carpets and very nice lights.

"I go tell coach I'm here" Hey he's actually making progress on the whole talking and speech thing...about time. Everyone was outside, fist pumping or showing off their obvious one night stand and of course those girls didn't know what they were getting themselves into unlike me. One of them started giggling as Michael walked in not alone but with a girl. My heart may have sunk like the Titanic but I know I deserve this in so many ways...

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