She'll be falling down the Mountain when she comes

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 Probably last update for a while since school's stressing me, my teachers going to get it from me. How can a girl drop from the 80's to 60's just like that?


"Hey kiddo"my uncle throws the blankets off of me and i cover my neck immediately

"I'm not feeling well, you should stay away from me"

"No bud if your sick i should nurse you back, not make you suffer"Stupid uncle

"Hey coach"

"hey Wedgester, i'll just leave you two alone"i nodded my head keeping my hood up until i heard the door completely shut then i knocked it down.

"Alright so i did some background research and it says that a hickey is a damage of blood cells, and the best way to get rid of it is to ice it or massage it." he handed me a ice pack "Don't worry it's 5 in the morning and Ryan's sleeping, Depending on how hard Nathan sucked on you, ha that sounds funny get it 'sucked on you'." i wasn't laughing i just wanted this thing off me! "alright then, depending on how hard he sucked on you it could last 10 days minimum 5 if your lucky that he's a beginner which i doubt"

"Scott i want it gone!" I felt tears starting to developer in my eyes

"Hey we'll get it off but it's going to last one day and your going to have to cancel Ryan today if you want it gone immediately" I had to think on that one for a while i mean turning him down today would just make him soo mad unless i told him that 'Hey i have a hickey i'm bailing out so i don't get in trouble from my uncle'.

"He's going to be mad"

"Unless, alright I hate having to do this but let's say you got hit in the neck and no your bruised because a hickey is technically a bruise and everyone thinks your a 'good girl' and would never even try doing that" he had a point there, unless i told my uncle that i got a hickey everything's going to be okay.

"Scott i need a word with her out"

"Ha Nathan don't you think you've done enough damage to her skin and her feelings?" Nathan just pushed him out and sat down beside me "we're going to get in so much shit if your uncle finds out"

"Nathan i did not even think about that, i'm just crying because hickeys are fun" i say sarcastically get away from him

"Stop being sarcastic with me! Annie what are we going to do?!"

"i don't know let's give everybody a hickey and make it national hickey day...ya"I include a little fist  cheer with one hand

"hey that's not a bad idea! okay start with your uncle then Wed-"


"well stop it then! wait how does Wedgewood know?!"

'because he say it when i came out of the room but made a promise to not tell anyone"a stupid question was coming to mind but i said it "how hard did you suck?" he bursted Laughing

"you said suck!"

"Nathan i'm serious!"

"alright,"he laughed again and held his breath to calm down "not that"chuckle "hard"

"Nathan shut up and give me the Fucking answer" he went into shock

"are you mad?"

"no i'm swearing for nor Fu-"

"i didn't do it to you as bad as i did it to- yeah not that hard"

"no no no you said something about i did to other girls! I'm not another girl alright? i'm special and god knows how long theirs lasted"

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