Ladies and Gentlemen Bournival has left the building

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Please tell me what you think, I spent my whole bus drive there and back typing on my phone trying to post this chapter :P I think so far It's my favourite You're just going to have to read and judge. Remember when ever I see 15 little stars for voting I light up and besides as a birthday present for Thursday all I ask for is a vote and comment :)

Sid the Kid ;)


"And Annie you get prettier and prettier every time you dress up for a date," Uncle Don says leaning against the door frame to the washroom as I applied my make-up still pissed off at him. "Annie?" Slowly and gently I place the blush brush down showing that I was still pissed at him.

"I don't want to talk about it or talk to you so just leave me alone"

"Annie remember all those times you came home with a bad report card? remember that one thing you would always say, 'I'm human, I'm not perfect'." I continued to put things away and bit the inside of my mouth knowing where he was taking this. "Yeah well that doesn't work for me. I can't say 'They're humans, they're not perfect' after a loss to Canada's number one enemy in sports" I roll my eyes as I heard a knock on the door. Uncle Don went to the front and opened it. "Hey Murray what can I do for you?" Great just what I needed another guy that make my heart melt.

"May I talk to Annie?"

"If it's about the Nail thing, You know what we need things are right and wrong and for the team and Canada we need her to do this" Murray's low chuckle sends goose bumps all over my body and I had to let one tear go. "She's in the washroom take care of her I need some coffee" Ryan walks in staring at the ground,and sadly smiling leaning against the door frame like my uncle did. I bowed my head down as well leaning against the counter. Once we heard the front door shut the silence had become more annoying.

"Say something Murray" Finally a snort left him and he walked closer to me placing his hands on my arms rubbing up and down giving me these crazy butterflies that were high on crack.

"I thought you looked beautiful everyday. I guess i've been proven wrong"

''Great!" I snap before walking out of the washroom with my make-up kit and stuff. Ryan managed to grab my arm and spin me around making me fall in his arms blushing.

"What's so great? My girl is being taken by the worlds number one douche?"

" That and the fact I-I"

"What? "

"Ryan I'm in love with you and I don't know why everything I do leads to something emotional" He embraces me in a hug pulling me close enough that there was absolutely no gap between the two of us.

"Annie he's here" Uncle Don's stupid and cheery voice sang...alright that's a little to dramatic but you get the point ,he's happy and I'm not.

I pull away from Ryan wiping my tears laughing. "on the bright side Nail won't look as bad as usual since his date will look uglier...if that made any sense" Ryan managed to kiss me slowly to waste time and express his feelings.

"Annie" Uncle Dons voice got sterner as I pull away and walk out the door taking the stairs down. There he was waiting impatiently tapping his foot and looking at his watch annoyed outside of the elevators door for me.

"Hi" I slowly say making him snap around to face me. A smirk played happily across his face as he checked me out. The insecure side of me was back and that was because kept looking at me up and down. Wedgie walks by with a towel around his neck as he hummed a happy tune. The one guy that I needed today hasn't even spoken to me, or showed up it's times like this that I need Nathan in my life to calm me down.

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