Chapter - 8

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"Hi." The first thing Yoongi said when the door opened and turned fascinated on the spot.

  After strolling for a good half an hour outside of the man's room who had taken his sleep away—the cute omega Park Jimin; Yoongi finally thought of knocking on his door. But the moment their eyes met, he forgot what to say.  Grinned awkwardly, paused after a formal 'hi'.

  "You!" Jimin widened his eyes when he remembered his face, but not his name. Keeping his voice sweet and curious, he said, "You are-. Sorry, I can't recall your name."

  "Suga." Yoongi spoke immediately. He knew it would be impossible for this pretty omega to remember an average looking human like him. To be more explicit, he added, "We met in the corridor, you gave me your handkerchief?"

  "Yes, yes I remember you." Jimin nodded to confirm and stared at him advertently. He was wearing the same faded blue shirt and black pants when he saw him for the first time, but this time his face beaming with a somewhat delighted smile. "You came with prince Jeon, right?"

  "Yeah." Yoongi shyly replied. Bubbles popping in his heart when the omega looked at him, only him. His plan was working.

  "What happened to your face? Did he beat you again?" Jimin asked, concerned when he saw a small cut at the corner of his mouth.

  Yoongi tried to make his face as sorrowful as possible. Said looking downward, "I don't want to bad mouth him but he's literally a devil. He beat me everyday."

  "Oh that's horrible!" Jimin's hand raised to his mouth, could feel his pain through his eyes. He asked, "How can you tolerate all these tortures?"

  "It is ok. I am used to it." Yoongi sighed deeply. He knew sympathy was the fastest way to enter a person's heart, especially a soft hearted person like Jimin.

  "No. Violence can never be ok." Jimin firmly said. He wasn't one of those peoples who see violence as a normal part of life and act accordingly. He also suggested, "If you like to work in this palace, I can request the king on your behalf."

  "I can't." But Yoongi wanted to. He wanted to work under this particular man, not the king, but also he could not leave Jungkook and their mission. Thinking of an excuse he said, "I can't leave my sick mother and my home."

  "Oh! Poor soul. I hope she can get well soon." Said Jimin. Seeing his gloomy face, he stepped back and asked him, "please come in. Let me apply some medicines on your wound."

  "You are so kind! Truly an angel." Soaking in his beauty, Yoongi simpered at him in the nicest covet possible way.

  "Wait for me here, I shall be back in a minute." Jimin showed him a single chair, placed beside a tea table, where a bowl shaped flower vase with a few roses inserted in it.

  Yoongi's gaze trailed at the omega when he vanished behind a blue curtain. Maybe inside his bedroom—Yoongi wondered. He smiled looking at the flowers. They were pink, matching the omega's dress shirt, as pretty as him.

  The room wasn't big, but smartly designed. Its spacious simple interiors and colour scheme were cool. The morning sun rays filled a portion of the room, making it warm and home like. And he wanted to live there forever.

  Jimin came a moment later, holding a small bottle of medicine, a roll of cotton and a little smile on his mouth.

  "Let me apply some ointment. It may sting, please bear a little." With delicacy Jimin dipped the cotton ball into the bottle, coated it well with the transparent liquid and held it on the certain wound.

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