Chapter - 29 [part 2]

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This chapter contains 18+ smut scenes, so please skip the last part if you feel uncomfortable(Ik you're not going to skip anyway), enjoy reading.]


  After all the day's heavy activities, there were still some indoor rites left for the newly wed grooms. Like giving each other dry fruits, feeding wine with some typically boring vows for their happy married life. 

  Taehyung just had enough of this. Too tired to even walk all the way to the King's room. He just wanted to finish this quickly and have some free time with his husband. 

  Jungkook might have read his mind, subsequently, when the servants were going to enter the room with all the ritual arrangements, Jungkook stopped them. 

  "Before dawn," He firmly said, "If I see anyone within ten meters of this room, I'll make sure that person won't see the next sunrise."

  The servants swallowed several times. 

  "Did you hear what I said?" Jungkook's voice was steady, husky. 

  "B-but sire, the rites." An older servant hesitantly said. 

  "Just put all these here and go." 

  When the servants left quietly, Jungkook closed the door, but left it unlocked, as he knew nobody would dare to come here before morning. 

  The crown was not heavy, but wearing it all day over the head was tiring. Taehyung removed it as soon as the door closed. While removing his other ornaments one by one, he asked, "Was there the need to get angry with them?"

  "I don't want anyone to disturb us tonight." 

  "Why," Leaving the mirror, Taehyung turned his eyes to Jungkook, acted innocent, "What's special tonight?"

  A slow smile curved Jungkook's thin lips, he didn't answer immediately. Carefully put his crown and belt down on a white marble table. Then filled two golden cups with the holy wine and offered one to Taehyung. When  Taehyung took the cup, he offered his hand for dancing.

  "I want to make every night special with you." He said taking the omega in the center of the big bedroom. 

  The room was redesigned as per Jungkook's choice. All the expenses that were making the room unwieldy were thrown out, it had now become spacious and simple.

  The windows were open with lightweight curtains hanging from the ceiling. Sweet, warm sound of an unfamiliar stringed instrument playing a lover's melody travelled through these windows. Taehyung circled his arms around Jungkook's neck when he was brought closer to the alpha. 

  Jungkook placed his hands over Taehyung's back and held him firm, then moved his body rhythmically with the music. 

  Taehyung's fingers had tightened around the slender middle of the golden cup when Jungkook's hand slid down slowly and rested over his lower back. Though there were several layers of clothing separating them, Taehyung could feel the warmth. 

  Jungkook's gaze was travelling over his face, body. As if he'd never seen this beautiful omega before. The omega's intoxicating scent extracting his sexual pheromone. It was becoming hard for him to even keep his breath steady. 

  "You're looking breathtaking, my queen." Jungkook spun him in a dizzy circle before pulling him closer. 

  "You are more, my king."

  Jungkook smiled. Subconsciously his head moved forward, needy lips searching for some warmth. A light brush over Taehyung's lips made the omega's shudder. His hand trembled and the whole liquid spilled over Jungkook's back. 

Moonlight Before Dawn ~ Vkook✔Where stories live. Discover now