Chapter - 21

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  Drifting in and out of sleep, the night passed in sighs, and when dawn reddened the eastern sky, Taehyung got up only to exhaust himself more. Even for a second he couldn't let aside the thoughts of his mate and the recent things happened with him.

  He sat in his garden, staring at the velvety appeal of the lush greenery enlivened by the soft rays of sun. His feet were buried in the pallet of grass, where the rose of Sharon and other flowers sprinkled over it like raindrops. But he wasn't observing them with great curiosity like other days, the thriving scent of fresh lilac wasn't making him happy as ever. Without his mate, everything was colourless, rusty and endless grey.

  As the hours passed, warm sun rays dashed against his bones, Taehyung saw more men assembled at the watch tower near the front gate, which was partly visible from the garden. With sharp arrows on their back, their sharper eyes scanning the road outside upto where it narrowed in a thin line. A few moments later he heard the sirens of army march on the capital along with the sound of clicking boots on the red brick road outside the palace walls.

  It made sense. For the first time in his life the king has been challenged eye-to-eye by another alpha. He took it as an insult, a hard slap over his sublime pride. There was no way he would let that man go easily. Taehyung could guess his father was planning to turn the city upside down just to find his mate, if possible, the king was ready to pull him out from the bottom of the ocean.

  Jungkook was right—his father and he could never live under the same sky. And in both ways Taehyung would be the one losing.

  After breakfast Taehyung dressed himself in formal clothes; white silk shirt, a little loose over his chest, black pants and a belt laced with gold. Neatly combed his hair, parting in the middle, exposing his smooth buttery forehead and dark eyebrows. The lack of sleep and exhaustion left a very thin layer of dark blushes under his eyes. Lips were almost bloodless, he coated it with some balm.  He found himself staring at his reflection for some time. There was a crystalline tension raring inside as his mind recalled that demonic act that happened with him last evening. Debating if he should blame his misfortune for this or his face, which that heinous alpha found  pretty.

  He walked past the never ending corridor to meet his cousin, Namjoon. Jungkook asked him and Namjoon to not take any sides in this war. So he wanted to request Namjoon to stay neutral for the time being. Hoped his cousin would understand him and choose peace over violence.

  When he reached his room, his servant told him he went to meet his father in the morning and he wasn't sure how long it would take him to return.

  Taehyung thought for a moment. As long as he wanted to deliver his mate's message to his cousin soon, he didn't want to encounter anyone in his family. Especially his parents. But uncle Taemin was exceptional. He hardly engaged with anyone, didn't have the habit of approaching someone first and talking about random stuff or showing any interest in others' matters. So he decided to meet his cousin there.

  Reaching the door of Taemin's chember, Taehyung's steps slowed. He could hear some familiar voices coming out of the room. He heard his father's voice, along with uncles and cousins as he came closer to the cracked open door. He looked back at the corridor. There was none.  Holding breath, he peeped through the crack, carefully observed.

  "Taemin," he saw his father say, "I want you to do this work."

  Taehyung frowned. Which work were they talking about?

  "Yes." He heard his uncle say, who was sitting on the other side of the sofa. Uncle Youngbae wasn't there, but he saw Donghyun standing near his father along with Namjoon. Taehyung could only see their backs. Four of his father's bodyguards were standing straight beside the wall, with their usual cold, strapped-down expressions. A human servant, like a shadow, came from the other door, just to serve them tea, and vanished straight away.

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