Chapter - 14

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[🚨 This chapter contains mature 18+ scenes. Please skip the second part if you feel uncomfortable.🚨]

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  "A blue eyed alpha?".

  "Yes, that is what the guards are saying."

  "Those lazy guards must have taken cheap weed again. I hate people who do not own up to their transgressions and make up stories to cover up their faults." Taejoo growled, irritably. His temper was obviously getting the best of him, so he couldn't control muttering a few more curses under his breath.

  It was 11.15; the time when Taejoo enjoyed midmorning snacks, which could be yogurt with fruit salad, sweet pancakes with honey, or just plain lemon tea.  He invited some of his family members and their guest to have some chat but the unpleasant news from his goldmine guards ruined his pleasant mood completely.

  "Do you remember uncle, about a year ago when those bitches spread rumours about a headless ghost, who they saw in the mine area after midnight, and asked us to stop digging immediately?" Donghyun sat straight on his chair, thriving with excitement as he started to state the past incident. Some laughter came out of thin lips, and didn't wait for his uncle's response as he spoke fast, "But when we investigated it properly we found that it was nothing but a white sheep who accidentally got lost inside the wall. You're right those guards surely were high on weeds."

  "Yes I can remember that but why so suddenly they would make up a story of this blue eyed alpha?" Youngbae frowned.

  "Because they wanted to save their heads from getting plucked from their bodies, that's why." The king twisted his mouth bitterly, face wrinkled in anger.

  "Seems like something interesting has happened. Can anyone tell me?"  Asked Jungkook, who had just joined and took a seat across from the king, the other end of the long rectangular table. His big eyes glinted with a sudden flare of light, like he was very eager to hear a spicy man-made gossip and laugh with others. There weren't any signs of discomfort on his elegant posture, although he knew it very well what they were talking about.

  "Welcome Jeon, we have been waiting for you." Taejoo greeted with a broad smile, like he always did.

  "Prince Jeon, who helped you shave this morning? Look how badly he cut your jaw!" Namjoon said immediately when he dropped on the chair. He was seated just beside him so he noticed it first.

  "Oh yeah it just happened during shaving. Nothing to be worried about." Replied Jungkook casually, like it was just a normal thing. He tried to act calm, composed and unaffected; however, his mind was alarmed for  not spilling out anything suspicious.

  "I see. But it looks so deep. You should be careful next." Namjoon gazed at him. When he focused he noticed another faint bruise around the side of his ear but the alpha quickly averted her face. So he let it slide. Maybe he made him embarrassed by asking such a foolish question; no man in general liked talking about his wounds in public.

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