Chapter - 10

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Early update. Enjoy


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Words: 3326

  Jungkook tightened the embrace. Letting his muscular arms circling around his mate's slim frame, he rested his chin over his shoulder. His whole day's exhaustion, frustration that had been consuming his soul was slowly beginning to drift away. He felt much relaxed. "Can I stay like this, for a moment?" He asked.

  Taehyung wasn't expecting his mate would hug him suddenly. Though he dreamt of holding him into his arms like this, but never imagined this would happen so soon.

  "As long as you want." He replied softly. His hands traced to his nape, the silky soft hair over there was magnetic. Taehyung couldn't resist fondling them. Every time his cold hands touched the bare skin of the alpha's nape, it sent shivers throughout his whole body—Taehyung could feel it.

  Jungkook could also feel his jumpy heartbeats on the back of his ribcage. His fingers roamed all over his clothed back. But it wasn't satisfying much. Tugging the omega's dress shirt up he let his hands touch the delicate skin underneath the cloth.

  "Why are you so soft?" Jungkook asked, pressing him completely into his body. His eyes were closed, breathing deep. Holding the omega for the first time with gentleness, he felt good. He said it again, "Your skin is so soft!"

  Taehyung couldn't hold back a giggle. Goosebumps formed over his arms. He licked his lips, blushing. Was that a compliment? He liked it though. It extracted out his hidden desire, a kink that he never knew before. Shyly replied, "Stop, you are tickling me."

  "Am I?" Jungkook smiled and concentrated more on discovering his untouched skin. His mate's sweet fruity scent slowly blending with his spicy muscular musk, making the air thicker surrounding them.

  Soon their platonic touches turned into something intense. A strong sexual undercurrent waved through their bodies. Taehyung shuddered when the alpha's thicker hands groped his buttocks and pressed him with his own body.

  Jungkook didn't know what he was doing. He was supposed to stay away from him or at least show him some signs so his mate could hate him like before. But apparently at that moment he could only do what he shouldn't—concede his body’s obedience.

  A sharp whine came out of Taehyung's parted lips when the alpha's hands tightly squeezed the soft flesh of his lower back. But that wasn't the only thing that made him worried; the growing erection that was smashing his own member was a clear sign of his arousal. His mate was hard and he wasn't supposed to stimulate him more.

  "Prince Jeon, can you-" He tapped on his shoulder, but earned a low growl and a long lick on his exposed neck. The alpha was too infatuated to hear anything.

  Taehyung's wolf was already tempted, it surrendered before the alpha easily. What could be more thrilling than getting pleasure from his mate? But recalling his father's scolding from earlier, his heart sank deep. He gave his words to his  father for not having sexual Intercourse before their marriage and he didn't want to make him mad again. It took all of his resistance to detach himself from his mate.

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