Chapter 22 - Shining Stars

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January 22nd

Ashley's POV

I accompanied Ryan to practice on the morning of January 22nd. Today would begin what I was hoping would be one of the best weekends with the love of my life. Despite everything, Ryan had decided that he indeed did want to go to All-Star weekend in Columbus, and he was taking me with him. I've been giddy all morning. 

Natalie had come with me and the boys so that we could hang out for the final time until Monday. 

"Ah, I'm going to miss you so much, Ash! But I know you'll be able to have fun without me, especially if you're going with that piece of man candy." She grinned at me, eyeing Ryan on the ice from our seats four rows off the glass at center ice. I knew Natalie was just messing with me, she would never have feelings like that towards Ryan while I'm with him. "Make sure you have him give you a little something, something, and maybe give it back, if you catch my drift." Nat teased. 

"Oh my, God, Nat! You are so weird!" I laughed hard at her jabs. But it did make me think. Ryan and I haven't been very intimate since, well, since Taylor walked in on us, and since Ryan had found out about his mom. 

"I'm serious, don't make that boy wait. And don't pull the "I'm saving it for marriage" card. I already know what went on with you two kids when my stupid boyfriend interrupted your... relations." 

"Oh, it wasn't his fault. He didn't know that we were... being intimate." I made the same pause that she had. We both laughed at ourselves and continued to watch the practice, talking here and there about the All-Star festivities, where Ryan would get picked in the All-Star draft, other players that we're going. We even (guiltily) rated players by their attractiveness, promising to keep it a secret. 

"Jonathan Toews and Patrick Kane, ugh, I'd let those boys do anything to me." Natalie confessed in a kidding manner. 

"Nat, you're such a slut!" We both cracked up. "Jeff Skinner is my man crush, he is so perfect." 

"More perfect than Ryan?" Natalie inquired.

"No one is more perfect than Ryan." I said, feeling myself blush.

"Aww, you're getting red!" Natalie announced. I had looked away from her and turned my attention to Ryan. I was right, in my opinion. There was no one more perfect than Ryan. I had never seen him play from this close, and honestly, he was adorable. All the faces he would make, trying so hard to get the puck, it stroked my heart. And the best part of it all, no one would be able to take my Ryan away from me. 

Nat and I talked through the rest of practice before heading downstairs to wait for the boys to finish coming off. I saw Ryan come through the tunnel and immediately locked eyes with him. He smiled, continuing to approach us, with Taylor following behind. 

Ryan met me halfway as I walked into his arms, and he pulled me up for a quick kiss, as Taylor did the same for Natalie. Ryan was already half a foot taller than me, but on skates, he added another inch or two, as did Taylor. 

"PDA..." I heard Jordan mumble as he walked into the locker room. 

"He's just jealous." Ryan said, looking at Taylor. 

"He needs to get himself a lady friend. I always feel happy, you know?" Taylor responded. 

I kissed Ryan again, then he put me down. "You two are so cute." I said. "And for you, that's the last one you get until you shower." I said, staring into Ryan's mesmerizing brown orbs. 

"Same goes for you, Taylor." Natalie concurred. "I already showered today, I don't need another one."  

The boys walked back into the locker room, and Ryan came back out after about twenty minutes. Taylor and Jordan shortly came out after. 

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