Chapter 3 - Keep Quiet

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Ashley's POV 

I walked into the kitchen after my afternoon with Ryan to get something to drink. I was greeted by Alyssa and Nicole, who both had massive grins on their face. How did they find out? I didn't mention it, I just said I was going out. I decided to ignore it.

"Hey, guys." I said, hoping they would ignore what they knew.

"Hey, Ash." Nicole said. There was a pause from everyone as I grabbed a glass from the cabinet.

"Bye, Ryan." Alyssa mocked. I swung around immediately. I must have been so red, because when I turned around, they were doubled over laughing. 

"How much did you hear?!" I asked in a panicked state. They we're still laughing.

"Thank you so much for everything today, Ryan. It means to much to me to know that you care." Alyssa continued to mock. They both fell on the floor. I swear I was going to kill them. 

"Why were you listening?" I questioned.

"We weren't, you just weren't very quiet." Nicole said, collecting herself off of the floor. 

"Whatever. Just remember who made sure you got home last night." I said, reminding them that I got their drunk asses home, walking into the other room. I was thinking about yelling, but it wouldn't solve anything. 

"Yea, RYAN!" Alyssa mocked again as she fell back on the floor, laughing hysterically. 

I plopped down on the couch and put the TV on. I didn't want to talk to either of them anyway. Nicole sat down next to me, and I immediately moved myself to the other side of the couch. 

"Don't listen to her. She's just giving you grief. She's happy for you." Nicole said. 

"I guess you're right." I said as Alyssa walked up to me, tears in her eyes from laughing so hard. She held out her arms. I got up and hugged her. 

"I'm sorry, Ash. I'm happy for you. Hopefully it lasts." She said sincerely. 

"Thanks, Alyssa." I said as we all sat down on the couch together and put Game of Thrones on. We watched it until Alyssa spoke up. 

"Oh, shit I forgot about Mitch! We have to go!" She panicked as she got up and ran into her room. Nicole and I only needed to touch up on make-up, but Alyssa wanted to look good for Mitch. She didn't shower and just put on heavy amounts of makeup, short jean shorts, and some Chuck Taylors. She looked pretty cute, and Mitch was easily impressed anyway. 

"Come on! His flight is about to land!" She pleaded as we ran to her car. She drove like a woman possessed, but eventually, we made it to the airport. A new problem emerged, we had to find Mitch's gate, and his phone was off. Alyssa seemed panicked and upset. She sat down and Nicole tried to calm her down while I tried to find someone who worked her that might know where Mitch's baggage claim was. 

"Excuse me, do you know where we can go to find baggage claims that came in from Michigan?" I asked a lady who worked there. She laughed at me.

"Oh, honey that's on the other side of the airport. Everything that comes into here from outside of Canada is on the international side. You might want to go back in your car, it'll take you 20 minutes to walk over there. Once your there, just go to the U.S. section of the international baggage claims, and you should be able to find the flight you are looking for." She explained. 

"Thank you so much, that really helps." I told her with a smile.

"It's no problem, Hun, now you should get going, I see a flight that landed 5 minutes ago that came in from Michigan." 

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