Chapter 20 - Request

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Ryan's POV

I landed in Burnaby at around 4:30. I sat down at a restaurant to kill a little time and collect my thoughts before going to the hospital. I was watching the Canucks game when I felt my phone vibrate. I was hoping for Ashley, but it was Taylor.

"Hello?" I answered.

"Hey, Ryan. How are you holding up?"

"I'm alright, I guess. I haven't even left the airport yet, I'm getting something to eat before I leave for the hospital."

"Well, um, you might not want to leave to quickly." Taylor hesitated.

"What are you talking about?"

"Well, Ashley kind of went to the airport and is going to get on a flight to Burnaby in about an hour." Taylor explained.

"Oh, okay, well I'll wait for her then, I guess. Do you know what time she gets in?"

"Assuming she gets on the 5:45 plane, she should be in at around 7:30."

"Ok, well I'll be here I guess. Thanks for letting me know."

"No problem, I hope everything goes well. I talked to coach and he knows you won't be at practice for the next couple of days."

"Alright, thanks. I'll see you in a few days, then. I'll talk to you when I hear more."

"Okay, man. I'll talk to you soon." We said our goodbyes and I hung up as my food came.

I ate and was able to comfortably watch the rest of the Canucks game before glancing at my phone. It was already 7:15. I left the restaurant and made my way over to the arrivals.

Because I was being dumb and didn't check which gate Ashley was going to be at, I was constantly checking signs to try and figure out where the flights from Edmonton were going to be. I finally figured out where the flights were and I quickly made my way over to Ashley's gate.

I watched the plane taxi into the terminal and come to a halt. I was hoping that Ashley was on this plane, if not, I was probably going to end up getting a hotel for the night, I didn't feel like staying in the airport anymore.

After about 15 minutes, people started to depart from the plane. I saw the business and first class fliers all depart, suits and dresses and all that, then the rest of the passengers started to come off the plane. I kept an eye for Ashley, but I didn't see her. I started to worry. What if she wasn't on this plane? I kept frantically searching before I pulled out my phone and called her.

Ashley's POV

I got off the plane and immediately looked for Ryan. Taylor said that Ryan would wait for me at the gate. Thankfully, I flew first class. It was actually pretty nice, although the circumstances could have been much better. I saw a bunch of people outside at the gate, not one of which I could make out as Ryan.

I pulled out my phone and tried calling him, I kept walking towards the back of the gate as it rang. He wasn't picking up. I turned a corner noticed someone trying to pull something out of their phone. It was unmistakably Ryan.

I hung up and began to walk towards him, his back to me. He finally pulled his phone out to see that he missed the call. I heard him curse under his breath before I put my hand on his shoulder.

He jumped and first, but calmed himself when he realized it as only me and not a fan begging for his autograph or a picture. I didn't say anything, I just wrapped my arms around him. I felt so bad for what he was going through. I could tell that Ryan was so tired, the day obviously stressing him out.

Love Rivalry (A Gabriel Landeskog and Ryan Nugent-Hopkins Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now