Chapter 30 - A Lonely Road

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Ryan's POV

I took the wheel of my truck and quickly started it and backed out of the driveway.

I needed to get away for a couple days until our next game.

I remember every second of it.

Every heart-wrenching, hurtful moment.

Every word was fresh in my mind.

I couldn't run from what had just happened, but I figured I'd at least try to put it off for as long as I can. 

But that was the only solution.

It was the only way.

If there was another option, I would have chosen differently.

But there wasn't, and God knows there was only one way that was going down.

I didn't want to believe it, but I had to face the facts.

She cheated on me.

It was literally in black and white. It was all out in the open.

She wasn't careful enough, and then this happened.

Was it over between us?

I would have to say yes.

I thought I could trust her.

I thought that it would finally work out for me.

But it was just like every other time.

It crashed and burned just as it was getting off the ground.

I kept my eyes focused on the road as I sped through the pouring rain on the highway.

There was only one place that could get this off my mind.

About a year and a half ago, Taylor and I went in to buy a remote cabin out in the woods. The pond in the back would freeze in the winter, and during the holiday break, we'd go up there and skate for a couple days before going back into Edmonton.

It was the only place that would be able to clear my head.

I heard my phone go off next to me mid thought.

I didn't even want to look at it and see her name on there, but there was the small chance that it wouldn't be her.

And luckily, for once, I was right.


I answered on the third ring.


"Where the hell are you?" It was a hushed yell.

"Just out and about."

"Where's Ashley?"

"Don't know, don't care."

"Just come home, you have us all worried."

"Sorry Nat, can't do that right now."

"Ryan, I'm worried about you. I talked to Ashley. She told me that you-" I cut her off.

"Were an immature maniac and was completely wrong about her and that she's off crying somewhere? Sounds like something she would say." That might have been a little harsh.  

"No, she said you and her got in a huge fight and you left. That's why I'm calling you. At least I care unlike Taylor, who's just sitting in the kitchen on his phone."

"The boy needs some thinking time." I could hear Taylor in the background.

"You're useless." Natalie shouted back.

Love Rivalry (A Gabriel Landeskog and Ryan Nugent-Hopkins Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now