Kiss and make up

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*reads old reviews*

Guest: hey dude, plz update! this is my third time reading this story; the first time was last month; ur chapters r great! Try not to think about the negatives of ur writing! You're a great writer, so plz continues this story. I get anxiety but not writing a chapter for A YEAR is starting to make me think it's not just anxiety... but if it's something personal, take as much time as u need!

Goodroy: I like where to story is heading, and I really hope that you don't drop this story. I've probably read it four times now. I can't wait for the next update.

Johnshaw965: It's super cool reading this story of yours, I love BCxSM too, and your story is pretty good. Also, don't worry about not being enough; none of us here are Rick Riordan or JK Rowling; I don't mean to be rude, but that's the truth, none of us are novel writers that can write stories with amazing twists and turns and climaxes but what we all share is love for the characters and to see them in situations which they wouldn't be in usually. My point is that you shouldn't feel like you're an inadequate writer because you are a SPECTACULAR writer.

Behind. the .smile .is .a . story: I hate to say this, but I am not sure if it is the end or if it's not bc the last time you updated it was in May, and it has been a month now, but I am also not sure bc it doesn't say in what year you updated it. Please, please tell me it's not the end.

*Miles Morales tone* Okay, let's do this...

Disclaimer: I do not own anything Marvel or anything I borrowed from other media.

Kiss and make up

*Morning at Linda's place*

After a long stressful night, Black Cat slowly opens her eye from her slumber. She can't make out where the room is currently blurry due to her vision but can tell that it's not hers.

"Cat you awake. How are you feeling?" Black Cat's eyes become clearer after hearing Peter's voice, causing her to respond to him.

"Spider? I feel okay, but where are we?" Black Cat questions as she looks around the room before noticing they another woman is present.

The stranger who Spidey already knows introduces herself to try and make Black Cat welcome. "You are in my house to answer your question. Hi, I'm Linda Carter. A lucky girl who Spider-man rescued from my crazy ex. No, I have not had any sexual relationship with him, only been helping him get better." She throws her hands to express how nothing romantically went down between her and Spider-man, with Spider sending a non-serious glare.

It takes a second for Felicia to process what Linda meant before she responds saying, "Straight forward, but I can respect that." Black Cat snaps back her attention to Spider-man, whose still in costume with his mask half-way up, asking in a demanding tone, "Speaking of Spider-man here, what the hell is going on with you!?"

"Um..." Spider-man stutters, still not prepared to fully explain his condition to his as of now girlfriend.

"Your attitude is completely different, and the way you blew me off the other day, if I were any other girl, I would have found you and claw your eyes out!" Black Cat snaps after not getting a response from Spider-man, who backs up a few steps due to fear of losing his eyes as well.

Linda, sensing the tension growing thicker by the min, decides to excuse herself so the couple can have their moment alone. "I'm going to step out and let you two talk. Please try not to get blood all over the room." She requests before making her way out of the room.

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