Moving Forward

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Disclaimer: I do not own anything Marvel or anything I borrowed from other media.

Moving Forward

*Currently still at the mall*

"Felicia we need to talk," Peter says in a severe tone that catches Felicia off guard. He holds her hands and guides her to a table where people would be less likely to hear in their conversation.

As the couple takes their seats, Peter takes a deep breath, before looking into his current girlfriend's beautiful green eyes, to do what he feels he needs to do. "Felicia, I have been thinking since the night we became official that maybe you shouldn't date a guy like me."

Felicia reveals a confused, concern expression on her face asking, "Why do you think that? Your amazing guy."

"Amazing guy, or amazing hero?" Peter mutters and then sighs over how hard this is for him.

"I know you are wondering what I meant by that. Here's the reality check Felicia, we don't know a whole lot about each other behind our masks. As Spider-man and Black Cat sure there is a definite attraction there, as a couple, the relationship can't be like that but our civilian lives as well. As Peter Parker, I have bad luck when it comes to girls. Recently, I was dating this cheerleader named Liz while still having deep feelings for my best... Well, one of my former best friends Gwen. The story about the two girls starts with one night Gwen had kissed me but never told me that she wanted to date after she did, for she ran off. So skipping to the day of New Year's Eve, Liz, the cheerleader who I had helped tutor on a few occasions, asks me to be her girlfriend, and I said yes. Due to Liz and me hooking up, it led to my other former best friend Harry to ask Gwen out, and she said yes. The month before my summer break, Gwen and I had a heart to heart conversation where we admitted that we wanted to be together, we agreed to break up with our current dates to make us happen.

Peter starts to feel the pain in his chest, remembering the next part that he is about to talk about that hurt him the most. "Unfortunately, Harry's dad had died, and on the day of his funeral, Gwen made a choice to stay with Harry and hasn't spoken to me since. The worst part about the situation was the fact that I already had broken up with Liz, who probably hates my guts now, and I ended up alone. Two months later, you show up, and the crush I have for you came back to the surface, so of course, at the moment, I was happy that we are together. After thinking about it, not only do I feel we are rushing, but also right now you are considering a rebound in my love life, and you don't deserve that from a seventeen-year-old. That's why we should end it here, and you can find someone better than me."

Felicia carefully listens to everything Peter was telling her. She was surprised that he felt this way because of a situation that happens two months ago. She could understand now why he would think that she is a rebound, but her cat senses told her that there's more to this sudden reason, and she was not going to let him decide between fighting for what she wants. "Okay, now that you have told me that all of that information, I believe you should allow me to give a response before making any decisions since we are still a couple." She responds, giving him a stern look.

In an instant, the nightmare, Peter had of Felicia getting revenge, pops into his head, making him expect the worse. "That's fair. All I ask that you get it over with instead of the slow, painful death." He closes his eyes, preparing to embrace the pain.

Felicia shakes her head furiously, not believing what she just heard. "What on earth!? I'm not going to hurt you."

Peter opens his eyes in shock. "You not?"

"No, but I am going to be straight forward with you Mr. Parker." She was going to ask about that last reaction, but not before dealing with the main issue.

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