Night Nurse analysis

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Disclaimer: I do not own anything Marvel or anything I borrowed from other media.

Night Nurse analysis

*Unknown location*

After collapsing from the horrible sensation earlier, Peter groggily wakes up from his slumber catching a bit of a conversation taking place. "Thank you again Mr. Possible. Hopefully, we can help him as soon." Spider-man hears a lady ending a phone conversation to which he wills his self to get up and investigate his current situation.

"Where am I?" He tiredly asks, attempting to move from his resting spot and touches his face to make sure his mask is still on.

The worrisome woman swiftly checks on the hero. "Spider-man, please try not to move right now. I'm the lucky woman you rescue earlier, and you are in my place. Don't worry; I kept your mask on out of respect as I brought you here. Do you remember anything about last night?"

With a sigh of relief that his identity is still secure, Spidey recalls back the events that took place before he passed out. He was out on patrol by himself where Spider-man witness a man harassing a woman, and that's when Spidey intervene and rescue the stranger. "Didn't I save you from the guy who I assume is your crazy ex?"

The blonde lady blinks in shock of how blunt his answer came out. "Yes, that is correct, though the crazy acting part was due to him being drunk."

"While I can understand in a way why he would want you back, that's not how you treat a woman at all." Spider-man instantly feels a hint of guilt over how his last conversation with Felicia went down. There was no reason for him to snap at her like that; personally, Peter is smart enough to know at this point whatever internally is going on has to have some connection to his newfound attitude. Whatever it is, Peter doesn't want to drag Felicia into it.

"Well, I'm glad that you were in the area to show him what happens otherwise. Speaking of you, we now need to focus our attention back on your condition. So I assume you don't have a history of having brutal type cramps and going to sleepy land afterward, correct?" The lady inquires for the way Spider-man reacted before he collapsed didn't seem reasonable even for a superhero.

"Not trying to be funny since I'm usually I am, I think, my uncle taught me not to tell personal information to strangers," Spider-man responds in a joking matter to keep from sounding rude. He does have a secret to maintain, and for all he knows, this chick could be some crazy stalker though the lack of spider-sense somewhat counters that thought.

"I have no reason not to believe that your uncle is or was a wise man. Please understand I'm not downright asking you to tell me who you are behind the mask. You see, my name is Linda Carter, and I am a registered nurse and medical physician, which wouldn't have been possible if I had chosen to get married to my ex over my career. With that said, you helped me, so I want to return the favor if you don't mind me?" Linda Carter sincerely explains to Spider-man in hopes that she will gain his trust.

As he processes Linda's offer, Spider-man can tell that she is genuine about helping him out. He still not going to reveal who he is, but for now, Spidey believes that he could give Linda a chance and gain a new ally in the process. "Honestly, I'm not used to civilians that I save wanting to show their appreciation, and you could have easily taken my mask off and invaded my privacy. While I'm not to where I'm willing to show my face and tell you my real name, I will trust you enough to accept your help, Linda."

Spider-man extends his hand with Linda gracefully shakes it to seal the deal on their new partnership and maybe a potential friendship. "Now to answer your question, yes, the cramps started occurring recently, but last night was the first that it hurt like hell. Almost as if something is trying to rip out of my body."

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