A Spider's aggression

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Disclaimer: I do not own anything Marvel, D.C or anything, I borrowed from other media

A Spider's aggression

When we last left Spider-man and Black Cat the two heroes were defeated by the new villain known as Hydro-man. After the quick fight, Spider-man slowly wakes up from the attack to see his girlfriend still knocked out cold.

"Cat!" Spider-man quickly rushes over to Black cat's body to check for a pulse where thankfully he finds one. He suddenly hears police sirens heading towards their location and assumes that the boy's in blue will draw up the wrong conclusion about the two since Hydro-man escaped.

"Damn it! I got you Cat." Spider-man gently lifts up his girlfriend, places her on his shoulder, and shoots a web line to swing out of the building before being seen. Heading to his next destination, which is Felicia's penthouse, Spider-man attempts to shake off the anger he was feeling concerning what happens tonight, but the defeat continues to replay in his head.

Tilting his head to check on Black Cat, Spider-man growls in frustration about how he didn't protect her from getting hurt. "I can't believe I let this happen to you. I let my cockiness get the best of me."

Right after he said that his spider-side speaks out saying, "No, you just underestimated your opponent that just so happens to make water come out of his body. Now that you know what you are dealing with you can prepare for revenge of hurting Felicia." Normally Peter would be against going the revenge route, but he couldn't help but agree with his other that Hydro-man needs to pay for what he has done which will make him think twice before taking him on again.

Once Spider-man arrives at the penthouse, he carries Black Cat like a bride and lays her down on her bed. He then removes both of their masks to get a better look at her. "She looks so much like an angel with that white hair and a goddess with her body. How the hell did I get so lucky?" Peter whispers as he rubs the side of her face.

This action causes Felicia to stir in her sleep and slowly wakes up from her slumber. "Peter?"

Peter smiles as he looks into those beautiful green eyes of his girlfriend. "Hey precious. How are you feeling?"

Felicia stretches a bit before answering, "Considering that cats don't do water, I feel okay just tired." Both Peter and Felicia gets a chuckle out of the joke.

"Glad to see that your sense of humor hasn't altered from the fight," Peter said trying to lighten the mood only for Felicia to frown at the instant memory of their defeat against her first super-villain.

"Peter I'm so sorry that I screw up out there tonight. I just got super excited that we were finally taking on a superpower baddie and I went in charging recklessly..."

To keep her from going on too long, Peter places a finger on her lip to stop her. "Shhh, you don't have to apologize for anything for in the hero biz we good guys at times have our wins and losses so don't think ill of yourself. We both were blindsided by Hydro-man, but best believe he won't get the best of us again nor any other baddie we face because we are the ultimate duo."

Hearing this help Felicia feel better to where she couldn't help but grin at her boyfriend's encouraging words. "Yes, we are... lover. I will try to do better to not rush in head on without coming up with a strategy."

While Peter admires the growth from Felicia as she continues to transition to being a cat thief to a hero, his thoughts wander elsewhere due to hearing Felicia call him lover in that signature tone that drives him crazy but in this case, it has a more of an effect on him than before. "So it's getting late, and unlike you, I have classes to attend to tomorrow, so I need to get some rest. Take this time to recover for me okay?" This was Peter's attempt to hurry home before he let his hormones take over.

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