Checking on girlfriend

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Disclaimer: I do not own anything Marvel or anything I borrowed from other media.

Checking on girlfriend

*Later that evening*

It was currently eight o'clock by the time Peter came home. He enters the house with a smile on his face. While still on cloud nine over his date with Felicia, Peter heads to his Aunt room to check on her.

"Aunt May I'm home," Peter announces cheerfully only not to get a response back. He enters the room, finding it organize and clean, with no Aunt May inside.

"That's odd; I would figure that she would be home..." Peter said to himself before finding a note attached to her door. He pulls it off to read it, for it said, "Dear Peter, by the time you read this, I am going to be out with Anna Watson and should be back tomorrow afternoon. I will be spending the night since she feels it will be dangerous to try and come home in the middle of the evening. I left some money for you if you want to order pizza or anything like that. I trust you won't let anything too crazy happen at the house while I am gone ;). Love you, Peter."

Peter chuckles to his self-thinking. It was nice that his aunt is going to have fun tonight. Going to his room, Peter reaches for his cell phone in his pocket to call his girlfriend to make sure she made it home. "Hopefully, she had no trouble heading back to her place." He thinks as he searches for her caller id to call it.

After two rings, he finally hears the phone answer. "Hey Baby." Felicia answers in a lovely tone.

Peter smiles at the other end. "Hi precious, just calling to make sure you got home safely."

"Aww, how sweet of you. Of course, I did, no regular thug wants to deal with this crazy cat lady." Felicia jokes with Peter quipping back saying, "I sure they will learn the hard way they do, have you seen your sharp nails?"

Felicia makes an angry meow sound to mess with Peter. "Oh hush you. What are you up to?" She questions him, sounding curious.

Peter looks back at the letter as he tells her, "Just reading a note from my aunt saying she was going to be away until tomorrow afternoon, so I figure I will just order pizza and play video games for the night."

"Sounds like a typical guy thing to do. How about I come over, and we can spend some more quality time together?" Felicia offers in her sultry voice that gets Peter to shiver nervously a little from the way she emphasizes the quality part.

"Tempting, but the last part of the note said not to let anything too crazy happen while she's gone. I think that means not letting a particular crazy cat lady come over." Peter warns her. Since he is living under his aunt's roof, he didn't want to break her trust like that. Plus, the thought of her finding out that Felicia's father is still a significant factor when it comes to the two meetings the other.

Felicia respects that Peter didn't want to break specific rules, but that still doesn't keep her from teasing Peter a little. "Even if I was playing video games and eat pizza with you?"

"Sorry babe, but I think it's better if my aunt meets before you gain coming over privilege. Besides, I don't see you as the type of girl to play video games and eating pizza." Peter said proudly, figuring that Felicia is not a game like that and that eating pizza did not sound like something she would eat.

To his surprise, however, Felicia response saying, "I am not an expert, but I do play some and who said I couldn't eat pizza?"

Peter's eyes nearly pop out of his skull. "Seriously?"

"Seriously. I know how to let my hair down and relax for your information; as far as greasy, it just goes to my hips and booty, which you saw how it look in person." She points out and makes her bottom, letting him hear the sound effect. At the moment, it seems like Peter saw the sky's opening up with a ray of light shining down singing hallelujah. It was his dream to find a girl who would be down to the same stuff as him.

Quickly shaking the moment out of his head, Peter says, "Felicia Hardy, you are full of surprises. Maybe someday you will have to show me some of your gaming skills." He suggests with a smirk on his face.

"True, and I could show you some of my flexibility skills in your bed?" She proposes, as well. Peter starts coughing hard from comment.

"You okay over there?" Felicia asks while trying to hold in a laugh.

"Yes, just accidentally swallow too hard just then," Peter answers getting his composure back.

Suddenly another plan pops in Felicia's head. "Hey, I just had an interesting idea."

"How interesting?" Peter wasn't sure if he liked where this was going.

"Interesting that involves us spending the night together," Felicia responds.

"I still don't think sneaking over is a perfect idea." Peter reminds her, hoping that she wasn't suggesting that again.

"That's the point, the note supposedly said not to let me come over, but it didn't say you couldn't come over to my place and spend the night."

Peter completely froze at the idea of going to Felicia's home alone. True, his aunt never said he couldn't, but he wasn't sure if he would be comfortable doing so. "Um... What about your mom? I sure she would be so not okay with me staying over." He questions her, trying to make up reasons why he can't come over.

Felicia sighs, knowing what her boyfriend is attempting to do, but of course, she won't quit that easily. "I live on my own Peter. You see, my mom always out, and she would let me know otherwise if she was coming." She explains, leaving Peter with no other reason to get out of the situation.

"I don't know..." Peter began to trail, but Felicia decides to go for the pleading tactic, "Please baby? I already miss you. If your aunt is not supposed to be back in the morning, then you will have plenty of time to make it back home before she finds out." She mixes her voice with begging and moans until Peter finally gives in.

"Fine, but only because you ask nicely." He claims, but it was also because his Spider side pushes him into going along with the flow and convinces him that he wouldn't get in trouble if he doesn't get caught.

Felicia then squeals exciting on the phone that her sneaky plan work. "Great, I will text you the address; fill free to swing by if you like and make sure to pack up since you will be staying over. Still, have to keep your image clean for your aunt hehe."

"I much rather do that than walking haha. Alright, I will see you in a bit." Peter ends his part of the conversation with Felicia does the saying, "Looking forward to it, lover." before hanging up the call.

Peter shakes his head while packing stuff that he will need to stay over the night. "Great, how did I let her talk me into doing this?" Peter questions his self as he finishes loading up his book bag and slips on his Spider-man suit. The spider side answers him saying something about he needs to have fun and because it's Felicia what other reason does he need. What's strange for Peter is since he became official with Felicia, that voice in the back of his has been louder. At least it wasn't like the symbiote that planted evil ideas in his head.

"Maybe I will talk to Felicia about that, especially since she's been heavily flirting with me." Peter puts on his mask, checks to make sure the front door is locked and heads to the address that Felicia had sent him. After some time swinging through the city, Peter finally finds the address only to be completely stunned by what her place looks like.


Author's note: Short but to the point chapter, this chapter is to set up Felicia explaining her back story to Peter as far as how she develops her flirty behavior, considering we already know how she became Black Cat. How you guys think Peter will respond after discovering the truth, will this change their relationship for the good or bad, and what about this spider-side that going on in Peter's head? Tune in to find out in the next chapter.

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