Late night talk

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I do not own anything Marvel or anything I borrowed from other media.

Late night talk

*Outside Aunt May house*

After Felicia said her goodbye to Aunt May, she and Peter make their way to her place. Knowing that it would be quite a walk back to the penthouse, Peter chooses to make the trip exciting by unexpectedly grabbing Felicia by her waist and start web swinging. Felicia found herself screaming in excitement before giving Peter a surprise expression on her face.

"What?" Peter asks with a smile while swinging.

"This is new. You carry me while web-swinging, especially since when are we not in costume." Felicia answers, knowing that this is out of the norm for her boyfriend to do since he's very protective about his secret. Not that she was complaining since she likes exciting moments like this with Peter.

"Am I not allow to give my girlfriend a ride on the Spidey roller coaster?" Peter jokes earning a soft laugh from his girlfriend.

"You can babe; it's just surprising in a hot way. Though I don't mind getting my exercise by jumping on rooftops." Felicia refers to their time as Black Cat and Spider-man jumping and swinging on top of buildings and roofs.

"I don't mind it when you're leading the way since I get the best view ever." He said checking her out her toned body.

"Peter." She said softly blushing at the way he looked at her. It wasn't like how most guys would do who only wanted one thing, no it was an I'm proud and lucky to have you type of look.

Peter then looks up to her green eyes. "Just speaking the truth. Personally, if I had to chose I prefer to have you like this since I can look at that beautiful face as you enjoy yourself."

Peter's words touch Felicia's heart to where she kisses his lips and wraps her legs around his waist. "Someone's in a great mood with all this flattery you are giving me."

"I can't help it, for tonight worked out in our favor. Now my aunt approves of you and me being a couple." Peter explains happily thinking back to how nervous he was earlier about his aunt meeting Felicia, but now that situation is over and done with he feels like a weight has been lifted off his shoulders.

Felicia enjoys seeing Peter like this. When they first met back up some nights ago, he seems to have a lot on his shoulders until she crosses his path again and things seem to be looking up for him. That is until he goes back to school and deal with certain people there, a topic that they still need to talk about but it can wait until another time. "I'm happy about it too lover. I was so nervous that she wouldn't do it, but after our talk, I think I'm much more comfortable to be around her now."

"That's good to hear. Hopefully, you two can bond more considering the personal talk that took place between you both. Which by the way, you never told me what she had said to you." Peter mentions.

"I didn't, did I?"

"Yeah. So are you going to tell me?" Peter asks, wanting to know what exactly did his aunt said or vice versa that led to his aunt approving of the two.

"Maybe," Felicia responds with her tone changing to an innocent schoolgirl voice.

"You are going to tease me like that?" Peter does his best puppy pout to help persuade her to tell him. Instead, Felicia simply kisses his lips and gently bites them, purring at the same time, saying, "Wouldn't be the first time."

Loving the way she bit his lips, Peter figures he wasn't going to get answers out of Felicia right now. "Fine, I won't push it. So that you know I still will be curious about the conversation."

"You know they said curiosity kill the cat right?" She quips.

"Lucky for me, you have more than nine lives." They both crack up from hearing each other's jokes as they arrive at Felicia's penthouse where Felicia tells him softly, "Don't worry, I will tell you when the right time comes."

Peter nods as he lands on her balcony and wraps his arms around her waist to hold her close to him. "Thank you for riding the Spidey roller coaster."

Felicia smiles at him with amusement wrapping her arms around his neck. "You sure know how to give a girl a great ride."

"I try my best." The couple learns their foreheads on top of the other, closing their eyes, to savor moments like these, for they knew that because of the life they live, it wouldn't always be peaceful like it has been lately. During the moment, Felicia hears Peter sighs and quickly got concern about his change of mood.

"What's on your mind?" She opens her eyes to look at him.

"Ah, just thinking about the fact that I have to return to school soon and deal with everyone," Peter confesses to her remember that his summer vacation is about over meaning he would have to deal with the likes of Gwen, Liz, Flash, and Harry when he returns.

"Everyone meeting those two chicks, your former best friend, and that flash guy?" Felicia already had a dislike towards the four considering they are the reason for Peter's funk mood a while back when the two reconnected.

Peter opens his eyes to look back at her. "Yeah, pretty much. Mary Jane is still cool; I'm sure you two would get along." He said with a small smile.

Felicia wasn't too sure about that idea, but so far this Mary Jane chick seems to be cool with Peter, so she is willing to give her a chance, that is until she mess around and discovers how Peter would make a great boyfriend and that's when she will show her claws. "Maybe. Anyways, you won't have to worry about them when you got me on your side."

"If you went to school with me it would be must easier to deal with the drama," Peter said trying to lighten the mood of the topic.

"True, but believe me they will learn the hard way. I will always be there for my man." Felicia reassures him with a serious tone.

"I like when the kitty cat shows her claws." Peter flirts causing Felicia to make her signature purring sound below flirting back.

"I can show you more than that if you like?" She begins to kiss the side of his neck, causing Peter to gasp for that was a sensitive area for him. As much as that voice in the back of his head screaming for him to take her right then and there, Peter felt it wasn't the time and still wants their first time to be special.

"As much as I would take this to the bedroom, Imma need to take a rain check on that." He manages to breathe out, getting a groan from Felicia.

"Spoil sport." She jokes despite being in the mood to want to have wall love making, yet another part of her respect Peter's wishes to make his first time with her special which makes the wait worthwhile."

"Baby steps babe, baby steps." He tells her in a little voice still feeling aroused his self.

"I know babe. Well, I better call it in, we can talk more about the school issue another time." To make sure Peter knew she understood his decision, Felicia kisses his lips again with Peter locking his lips on hers and rubs her backside smoothly. The two young heroes said their goodnights and went on home with smiles on their faces knowing that they can take on anything together...

AU: Just a reminder to those who are reading this story that the plan is for this to be a long-term story, so we are nowhere near close to an ending. With that being said, for the few who mention about fight scenes just bare with me they come, though I admit I wish I had started fight scenes earlier in the story but it is what it is. The reason for the peace in Peter's and Felicia's life currently is because I want to save all the action for when Peter heads back to school, which is coming up soon in the story thanks to a time jump.

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