Spidey Missing?

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Disclaimer: I do not own anything Marvel or anything I borrowed from other media.

Spidey Missing?

*The next day*

If you were Felicia hardy this morning, you most certainly wouldn't be in the greatest of moods. Last night Felicia got into a heated argument with her boyfriend and wasn't able to sleep well due to her mind racing about Peter mix with various emotions running through her body concerning him. The feeling of anger comes from the fact that Peter comments considering his change of behavior was harsh and leaving the way he did not help matters.

Then there was sadness for she genuinely worries about Peter since his new aggressive behavior isn't like him. Sure his new display of confidence, when he's just his self, became a major turn on, but lately, it developed into something worse. At first, she starts to blame herself for maybe being a bad influence on him. However, that wouldn't add up to his actions as of late.

Ultimately Felicia knows that something is wrong with Peter, the issue is he won't let her in and almost acts like he doesn't trust her which hurts even more. Felicia mind during her restless night took her back to when her father was around when she was younger and how despite her being mature for age Felicia's dad kept his other life from her which led to their relationship becoming strained in the past. Felicia already had to deal with abandonment from her father, the last thing she wants is to go through that again with Peter. Not that Felicia couldn't get any man that she wants, but with Peter, one could say that she is falling for him and cares too much just to let the relationship go without a fight.

"If Peter doesn't want to tell me what's going on fine, but there's no way I am going to sit back and not get answers myself," Felicia states out loud to herself before gaining some inner strength to get out of bed. She prepares her mind on the primary objective of confronting Peter and figure what the hell is going on with him.

After putting her attire on, Felicia makes her way to where more than likely Peter would be at currently. "I better go to the school and address him than, only this time I'm not taking no for an answer for they say curiosity kills the cat. Only this cat doesn't back down that easily."

Rushing over to the school Felicia tries to figure out in her head what to say to Peter when she finds him. "Should I let the claws out and force him to tell me or bring out the seductive charm? Wait he doesn't deserve any of sexual treatments from me after how he acted, though the bad girl in me somewhat found that hot. Get a grip Hardy, oblivious we need to be direct but remind him that we do care for him."

Ending the rational debate going on in her head, Felicia arrives at the school and walks towards the building scanning the area for her boyfriend. To her surprise, Felicia catches the familiar sight of Mary Jane walking like she's in a hurry.

"Yo Redhead where's Peter?!" Felicia calls out to her while running to catch up to Mary Jane.

M.J stops and looks over to see Felicia heading in her direction. "Well hello to you snow white."

Felicia glares and says, "Now is not the time, I need to talk to Peter as soon as possible. He and I got into an argument about his new change in personality, and he left me without explaining what's going. You and I know there is something wrong with him; however, he's not telling what's going on."

M.J process everything she just heard along with what was told to her earlier, and suddenly everything made sense. "That would explain Peter's mood this morning and maybe what happen before you got here."

"What do you mean by that?" Felicia questions her red-head friend feeling the curiosity side of her growing.

"This morning Peter came to school with a piss off expression, so I ask was everything alright, but he claims that he didn't get enough sleep. I tease that you probably kept him up and in return, he grunts yet didn't go into details. So to that point, I figure you lovebirds disagreed on something." Mary Jane thoroughly explains to Felicia causing a cross look to pop up on her face as she wonders, "Why is he upset at me, if anyone should be angry right now it's me."

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