Back to the School

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Disclaimer: I do not own anything Marvel, D.C or anything I borrowed from other media

Back to the School

Time skips

*First day back to school*

"Peter, time to wake up. You don't want to be late on your first day back do you?" Aunt May yells out from the kitchen waking her nephew from his deep slumber.

"Aunt May just a few more hours." a sleepy Peter calls out not wanting to get up.

Aunt May notices that Peter didn't move a muscle from her call, so she tries another tactic that sure will work. "You sure, because Felicia is here to walk you to class?"

Peter's eyes pop wide open hearing his girlfriend's name. "Felicia?!" Peter jumps out his bed with his spectacular speed and rushes to the bathroom to fix his self up. Throwing on his outfit that he ironed last night, Peter runs down the steps only to see his aunt cooking cause a smirk to form on her face.

"Glad to see that your girlfriend has a high influence on you moving." She teases leaving Peter in disbelief about what he has just gone through to look presentable.

"You trick me?" Peter earns his self a soft laugh from his aunt from the way he asked that question. "How else was I going to get you up? Now come on and eat breakfast we are expecting a guest."

Before Peter could ask whom she is referring to, they both hear a knock on the door. "Peter, can you get that?"

"Yes ma'am," Peter answers politely.

He opens the door to see a beautiful sight that catches him off guard. "Good morning babe, food sure smells good." Felicia Hardy gives Peter a quick kiss and takes in the homemade food that is ready to eat as she makes her way inside the house.

Peter looks back and forth from the door to his girlfriend trying to figure out what just happen. "Um, wait, what?"

"Good morning Aunt May." She gives his aunt a hug with Aunt May giving Felicia one in return.

"Good morning Felicia, glad you were able to make it." Aunt May said with a warm smile.

"I wouldn't dream of missing out on your cooking," Felicia tells her while grabbing her self a seat.

Finally figuring out that his aunt had this plan, he sits down by his girlfriend and whispers, "So you only came by for food?" He pouts pretending to feel hurt.

With Aunt May's back to them, Felicia takes the opportunity to mess with her boyfriend. "Yes Peter, but you know I always save room for dessert." She softly tells him and gently rubs her hands in between his leg, causing Peter to take a deep breath to keep himself from getting aroused. Over the rest of the summer, he grew to enjoy the flirty affection from his girl. Though he still not ready to go all the way with her, he appreciates Felicia respects that, but still does her best to get him work up regardless. Luckily Aunt May puts down each of their plates shifting their thoughts on how great the food looks.

"Alright, let's dig in." She commands leading to the three to enjoy deal meals. Once everyone had finished up eating, Peter is the first to get up and their plates to throw away.

"That was great as usual Aunt May," Peter announces cheerfully.

"100 percent agree." Felicia agrees, feeling more and more like family since she and Aunt May had their talk a while back. Since then Aunt May has treated Felicia way better than her mom and became more relaxed when it comes to her relationship with Peter.

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