Reflect and Regret

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Disclaimer: I do not own anything Marvel or anything I borrowed from other media.

Reflect and Regret

*The following day*

The following day Peter's alarm rings regularly, yet Peter has a bit of a hard time waking up. "Ugh, not feeling so hot, which means I'm not getting better." He groans, slowly getting out of his bed. Wanting to test his body, Peter attempts to stick to the wall only to find himself not sticking on like he usually would do.

"Okay, maybe I better take that advice from Linda to heart and not go crazy with my lack of powers." Peter sighs, still in disbelief that his powers seem to be going away. While he thought his condition was leading to something else, Peter hasn't pondered the idea of any longer having his spider powers.

"What if I did lose my powers for good? Would I be okay with not being Spider-man anymore and stick to a normal life? It's been a while since I had these types of thoughts, yet there's no telling what will happen to me. Might be a conversation to have with Felicia later; right now, I have to face another obstacle." Peter walks over to his closet, pulling out his school attire, dreading the lecture he's about to receive from a certain somebody.

*At school*

"*Smack* Where the hell have you been!? Felicia and I were worried sick about you!" Mary Jane shouts as she gives Peter a slap to the face leading to a tight hug.

I guess I never will understand women for how M.J went from slapping me to hugging me. Peter already knew he would have to face Mary Jane concerning his recent actions, but he wasn't fully ready for that reaction out of her. "I apologize for the disappearing act M.J; Felicia managed to find me, so she knows what's going on, but I had a mental breakdown on top of me dealing with some sickness and needed an escape from reality to clear my thoughts."

Mary Jane relaxes after hearing his explanation but maintains a stern expression towards Peter after letting him go. "Well, you have a lot going on, so I can understand that. However, you need to let the people who care about you in when it comes to this type of stuff. I don't want a repeat of what happen when you were dealing with your aunt's situation a while back."

Peter wince at the reminder of him being under the influence of Venom and how he treated everyone at that time. While he's thankful that his situation doesn't involve the black substance, it's alarming what is happening with him. "Your right, especially since Felicia gave me a similar talk last night about that. I can't promise that I will always do that in the future since I'm mostly used to dealing with my emotions on my own. I will try more for you and Felicia."

"You better tiger. You can talk to me more about it during lunch; until then, let's go to class before we are late." Mary Jane suggests in a calmer mood.

As the two walks to class, Peter's mind starts to drift towards another topic related to his double life. Should I tell Mary Jane about Felicia and me being Spider-man and Black Cat? I know I didn't tell Liz, Gwen, or Harry for reasons; however, M.J seems to have that same fire as Felicia when it comes to me, but unlike Black Cat, she couldn't defend herself if danger strikes her. Then again, I might not have these powers anymore soon, so it might be pointless.

With Peter having a lot on his mind, it becomes challenging to concentrate during his first few classes. On top of the returns of the cramps that pop out of nowhere, he's able to play it off, but the pain makes it hard to do so. Once lunchtime creeps up, Peter heads to the cafe section to get lunch with M.J. Peter receives his food and gets a table for him and Mary Jane and happens to glance in the direction to see Gwen and Harry arriving at the scene. Right before Gwen can lock eyes with Peter, he turns quickly away before sitting down, not noticing Mary Jane right beside him. "What's that look about?" M.J questions while taking a seat across from Peter.

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