(6). Red

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Renesme's POV

I sit in bed after waking up from a very long night last night I couldn't help but feel on edge about Jake, did I step too far is he interested in me that way, am I too young for him.....Ugh, this is why I haven't dated in a while. Such difficult yet simple questions..sigh. I mean Jake might be a little older but with those tone biceps and abs that always seem clear in his shirts he just always seems to effortlessly look so edible, and even though he has a daughter that doesn't matter that just makes him a DILF...I just want to...

Breaking my sex thoughts of Jake, Nash is here to drive me to his gym for my first session...great now it's time to get my ass beat. I quickly grab a water bottle with my house keys and rush through the door towards Nash's car, to the gym I go yay.


Nash leads me out of his car towards his gym doors "You sure you wanna do this?" he says waiting for confirmation while resting his had on the handle of the entrance doors stopping my movements waiting for a verbal confirmation.

"Yes I'm ready, open the doors already" he simply opens the door leading me to what I'm assuming is his office. As he is leading me through the crowd of people, from the person sparing in the ring to the persons spotting boxers on the punching bags everyone was eyeing us like I grew an extra head or something..did I?

He looked towards everyone with such stern demeanor I guess I only know him as a softy because of bestfriend privileges looks like he is stern towards people at his work place...I get it I guess, can't have the boss being a softy in such a place where dominance is required. He opens a door and waits for me to step in closing the door behind me gesturing for me to take a seat.

I quickly sit in the chairs situated in front of the big desk as he took a seat in his swirly chair. He cleared his throat before reaching into his desk drawr  pulling out a paper document "So you have decided to train here at 'Gym Freaks', before I officially welcome you there are a few paperwork you will have to fill out" he states with such formality towards me but I guess this is better seeing as we are now going to be in the same place as the new norm.

"Outside of these doors we are Ren and Nash but in these walls we are Renesme a gym member and Mr.Fields or Sir the owner of this gym" He hands me some papers with a pen to sign my name on the lines, just to clarify that the gyn is not to be held accountable if injured on the gym's grounds if not indulging in a professional match. I quickly sign standing to my feet as Nash mimics ny actions standing infront of me.

"Sir when when can I start" he was about to answer when there was a knock on the door.

"Come in" he shouts towards to door, inviting a woman in.

He looks much hotter than usual I don't know what drugs they laced my shoes with today but I don't usually see him as hot maybe it's the suit ..wait he wore a suit I didn't even notice in the car I was so caught up with myself trying to calm my nerves that I didn't notice he had on a suit until now. Once again disrupting my sexy thoughts nash clears his throat "Your guide and your locker number is in this package...ummm Lilith will show you around" he places his hand on my lower back leading me towards the door looking out he shouts "Lilith Get down here, you know the drill !" Omg he is hot when he is being dominant

"This is the new rookie she says she wants to become a pro at boxing show her around and see if you can teach her "

"Aiite Mr.Fields I'll see what I can do" she says as he nods and walk back into his office with the woman that knocked from before.

**Outfit idea above***

Now face to face with Lilith I look her up and down now taking in her look, she was in a tank top with strappy front and a black black leggings with wrapped hands. I look up to see she has caught me staring Shit I'm staring, she releases a light chuckle "So do you have a name cute girl ?" She asks with a slight smirk

"Oh umm...sorry Renesme" great Ren make this be the time you forget to speak the English language.

She simply started walking "Keep up Red, this is the bathrooms.......the backdoor where smokers go to smoke no smoking inside...."She gave me a new nickname I don't know how I feel about that. "The ring is only used by the seniors you are new stick to the bags and weights, again you are new I am your official spotter but any senior will do while doing weights especially" she speaks with such volume that even though I am really just interested in how to defend myself I still find myself listening.

"Umm Lilith can I start now" I say to her with pleading eyes.

"Just go change into your training outfit...oh and Red you can still back out now because my training is not for the weak" she say while looking me up and down

"I know and no matter how many times I fall I'm gonna keep going at all cost" I say not sure if I mean every word but I believe I can do this and I will no matter what anyone wants to say.

"Keep the same energy when you have to puke your guts out because of the pain....in this gym you are the fat girl with the most work to do because you are out of shape in the boxing world...make sure you are in this to win it and not wasting my time"


A/N This chapter took a while to come about but I feel it is time Renesme tuffen up and who better than Lilith So guys what are your first impressions of Lilith? I think I'm starting to like Nash ..only a little;)

Vote comment and share my book thanks..updating again later i think🖤😉

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