Chapter 13 - [Serena]

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Hey everyone!

Sorry for taking forever, again!

I've just been so busy that it's crazy! >.<

Well, atleast this is a long chapter, right? XD

Byeeeeee! And i hope you like!

-Thannujah! =D


I was sixteen when my parents kicked me out of my own home. I lived on the streets and everyone treated me the way they would treat the people who had betrayed the goddess. I never knew falling in love with a human was something so wrong, at least not until he left me.

      After that I hated everything and everyone. Maybe that was because I was alone and no one cared about me. Even my old friends ignored me when they walked by, it was heartbreaking and I thought nothing mattered anymore.

      But that was before I met my real friends.

      I was asleep on the street when someone woke me up. “It isn’t safe for you to be sleeping here.” He said.

      I looked up and saw a boy. I was startled at first, and sat up defensively. But then I realized who it was.

      Keroshan Aarvind. I didn’t know anyone who had not heard of him. He was famous, famous because he was the son of Aarvind, the greatest King of Warriors in history. His blue hair looked strangely silver under the moon and he had a smile on his face.

      Though I had never met or seen him, I knew him and had a picture of him in my head. A picture formed by the descriptions that people would say. Strangely, my picture of him was nothing like the real thing.

      He was taller than I expected and I pictured him to look more built. My friends were crazy about him, always dreaming of meeting him and maybe spending the rest of their lives with him. They would often get into fights with each other because they all wanted him. It was pathetic, really. I had a feeling he was quite handsome but I expected him to have a look of pride and a bad ego which would be a serious turn off.

      But again, I was wrong. He was handsome, yes, very handsome actually, but he didn’t look like he had a bad ego and he didn’t look proud. He had a warm smile and friendly eyes but at the same time I could tell that with a switch of expressions, he could look very scary.

      He shifted uncomfortably, probably because of my staring.

      I looked away.

      “What are you doing, sleeping here?” He asked.

      I hugged my legs. “I was kicked out of my house.” I said, bluntly.

      He seemed surprised. “Really?”

      I nodded.

      “Might I ask why?” He asked.

      “I fell in love with a human, my parents didn’t like it, they kicked me out and the bastard dumped me.”

      His eyebrows shot up. “Wow…” He said. “Well, I assume you dislike humans now.”

      “They can go die… I hope there’s another war and all of them are killed. Every last one of them.” I bit my lip, hard.

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