Chapter 29 - [Aathiray]

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I stood there, staring at my new Chemistry teacher. “You’re my Chemistry teacher?” I asked.

      He smiled and nodded. “Well, I better be on my way.” He said as he walked past me.

      But at that moment, the second he passed me, something strange happened.

      My vision started to blur, and a moment later, I realized that his hand was on my chest, right above my heart.

      I tried to scream and fight away, but there was no use. My voice wouldn’t come out.

      My body started to feel like jelly and before I knew it, I was lying on the floor. Then a second later I was in the strange, but attractive, mans arms.

      I began to sweat and was trying to control my breathing as I started to black out.

      What’s going on? I screamed in my head. Help!

      But it was no use. With the next breath, everything had gone black.

      “The humans are at it again.” I heard a man’s voice say.

      There was a sigh, a woman’s sigh. “Why am I not surprised.”

      Her voice was so familiar, but at the same time, I knew I had never heard it before. 

      “What shall we do?” The man asked.

      “Stop them, of course. We cannot let them go around altering the balance of the spell. It could prolong the curse for another thousand years.”

      The man sighed. “Why did I agree to take this job?”

      The woman chuckled sweetly. “Come now.”

      And then there were footsteps, followed by silence.

      My eyes fluttered open just then, but I didn’t move. I stared at the trees. There were so many trees.

      “Where am I?” I whispered to myself.

      “In the past.” Came a response.

      I jumped up, startled, and looked around for the owner of the voice. “W-who said that?”

      I was then blinded by a strange and bright sapphire blue light, but the second I noticed the sapphire blue, I knew who was coming.

      I tried to look through the blinding lights, but that just hurt. I had no choice but to wait… to wait for what felt like hours, even though only a couple of seconds passed.

      But then I saw him. Keroshan’s father.

      I bit my lip and stared at the unbelievably handsome, proud and powerful looking man.

      His small, sapphire blue eyes, the eyes that I had gotten so used to after seeing them almost every day for years, were fixed on the two figures that were now running in the distance.

      Unlike Kero, he had some facial hair, which made him look so much more powerful. It was funny to think of what facial hair could do to men.

      And not to mention his facial structure. His face was so chiseled and so defined that you would think you could break it if you tapped it.

      His ears were pointed, like an elves, and he was tall, very tall and built.

      It was at that moment that I had realized I couldn’t speak. My voice refused to come out.

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