Chapter 9

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I was excited, very excited. Maybe that’s why the day went by so quickly, or maybe it was because it was a half day. I don’t know, but whatever the reason, I was happy, because I really wanted to go home and find out whether I could go to Raakshya or not.

      I think the only thing that ruined my day was Jacob. He seemed angry today, and when I stopped him in the halls, he rolled his eyes and walked away.

      That seriously hurt.

      How was I ever going to find out what his problem was? I mean, what did I do? We were supposed to be best friends… right?

      Now that I think about it, I don’t think anyone is closer to Jacob than Chirpy. Maybe I should talk to him. Yeah, that’s a great idea. I’d make sure that I talk to Chirpy before we leave for Raakshya.

      When school was done, I walked home with my friends. We talked about randomness, like always, but then I brought the subject to Jacob. “Guys… do you know why Jacob seems so pissed at me?”

      Ivana looked at me. “I dunno… he seems extra pissed at all of us lately.”

      Tiana nodded. “I mean, I went to ask him for help on a math question and he just got up and walked away!”

      My eyebrows shot up. So it wasn’t just me. “Yeah… he’s been ignoring me too.”

      “Did we do something wrong?” Lila asked.

      “Maybe he’s just mad because we were all pissed about the Cecile thing.” Chanu suggested.

      “Yeah, I think that’s the only reason towards why he could be mad at us.” Nikki agreed.

      “But… I sorted things out with him—”

      “And he was all happy and great but now he’s suddenly all mad…” Ivana said.

      I sighed and stopped in front of my street. “Okay, see you guys. If you hear anything about Jacob, let me know.”

      They all nodded.

      “Have fun in Raakshya!” Ivana added.

      “Let’s just hope my dad says yes.”

      My friends laughed and after saying our goodbyes I left.

      When I got home, I saw Kero sitting on my porch.  “Hey!”

      He smiled. “Good afternoon.”

      “So, what are we going to do today?” I asked.

      “How about we go inside and tell your father that school finished early.”

      I nodded. I should also ask him about going to Raakshya.

      I opened my door and grinned at the happy Kero Jr. who came running towards me. “Hey my little Prince!” I picked him up and kissed him, and then rolled my eyes when I heard Kero groan.

      “Can you go call your dad?” He asked.

      “Yeah, yeah! I have to say hello to my baby first!” I kissed Kero Jr. again.

      Kero sighed.

      I laughed as I walked to the phone, Kero Jr. still in my arms. I placed him on the table, which was something I wasn’t allowed to do. But who cares? I sit on the table, why can’t Kero Jr.?

      I continued to pet him as I picked up the phone and dialled my dads work number. A man with a strong Indian accent picked up. “Hello. This is Kanuk Kitchen Co., can I help you?”

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