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It was the morning of the tea party.

Mom had me dolled up more than usual today. I was wearing a sky blue frock paired with matching shoes. My shoulder-length hair was tied to a high ponytail with a blue ribbon.

She took out the earrings which she got for my birthday and made me wear them. It was made with a small diamond placed in a stud.

I refused to remove the gold necklace grandmother gave me as a 'get well soon' present.

It was a simple gold necklace with a round pendant the size of a small coin. There were inscriptions on them that made it look exotic.

It kind of reminds me of the necklace my mother gave me.

I wonder how she's holding up in Korea. I know for one that she must have been pissed since I missed curfew.

Anyway, I got back on my feet right after that.

I don't want to fall sick again anytime soon. So there's no way I'm gonna remove my lucky charm.

I value my life. So I don't mind believing a few superstitions.

We compromised the necklace with other accessories.

My eyes widened when I saw my reflection in the mirror.

I swear I look no different from a showroom doll.

I usually kick up a fuss when mom tries to dress me up.

Mom loves to play dress-up. Back when I was a baby and unable to resist or say anything. She basically filmed a baby fashion show. There were all kinds of costumes from sailors, pirates, mermaids, and princesses to real-time historical figures.

Not to mention the bundle of photo albums inside Dad's safe.

Mom and Dad love to show off their children to everyone at the same time they are possessive.

One of these days, I'm going to break open that safe and confiscate all my embarrassing photos. I'll leave all the good ones though.

I mean. I can't blame them. I'm just gorgeous.

Sigh......... I'll have to make it through the day.

Anyway, I didn't resist this time because today was Mom's big day.

Besides, it's not like I hate it.

It is just a matter of comfortability. I can't move around freely as I want in this dress.

If only they made dresses a bit more agile, I won't make a fuss. Children are meant to run around in the wild. Clothes should be designed to suit that need. I should keep this one in mind.

When we came out of the dressing room we found Dad and Clive waiting in the hallway.

My Dad looked as handsome as usual.

Clive, on the other hand, was dressed like a tiny man. I tried my best not to laugh seeing him mimic Dad. He sure does that a lot. These two are mirror images, aside from one being small.

Dad and Clive were matching while Mom and I were matching too.

Clive and Dad were wearing black formal wear with a blue brooch. The brooch was made in the same shade of our dresses.

It's just as I stated. Mom likes to dress up. And Dad loves whatever Mom likes.

And the result of that was the family of matching clothes. It is always like that wherever we go.

I like it too. Just a little.

On seeing Mom, Dad ran towards her and planted a kiss on her cheek.

"Are you excited Vanya?"

"Yes. I am" Mom blushed and kissed him in return.

These love birds and their PDA are unbearable.

All these sugars are enough to give one diabetes. They love each other so much that they often forget that their children are in the same room as them.

Most nobles in this world end up in political marriages. These two got lucky.

Or in other words, it was the one time my dad actually used his brain.

By the way, Dad called Mom by her middle name.

Middle names aka baptismal names in Orion are quite intimate. Only close relatives and spouses are allowed to address each other by middle names. So they are not made public with the exception of the royal family. know they are the royal family. They get to have zero privacy.

I think Dad's middle name was Fitzgerald.

We will be made aware of our middle name when we come of age or so I was told.

Which means, I still have fourteen years to go before I even find out my full name.

Turning to more important matters, is that a cookie I see in Clive's hand?

He was standing by my side with a cookie in hand. I feel a little hungry after seeing that.


"What is it An-An?" Clive turned towards me.

"Is that a spider behind you?" I pointed behind him.

Panicked, he started warding off a non-existent spider. He's really afraid of spiders, but this one's not me. He's naturally afraid of spiders.

"Where!? Where is it?"

By the time he turned around the cookie in his hand had vanished out of existence.

Smooth as silk.


"I think it ran off"

"Huh!? Where's my cookie?"

"What cookie?"

"The cookie I had in my hand"

"You didn't bring one"

"Father! Mother! The cookie dwarf stole the cookie I brought" Mom and Dad were looking at him not knowing what to say

"Cookie dwarf?" Dad looked confused.

"It always steals my cookies! It's hiding in our home. We need to catch it father!"

Clive looked ignited. Well, I'll just have to keep him distracted then.

"Are you hallucinating brother? If you are hungry why don't you get one from the kitchen. Tsk.....Tsk.... Whatever will I do with you" I said, shaking my head as I was in the midst of swallowing the said cookie.

"I'm sure the dwarf is a lot closer than we think" said Mom, eyeing me.

Unlike dad, who's a happy-go-lucky. She's very sharp.

I looked sideways to avoid her eyes. I know that she knows everything.

And no matter what, I was the obvious imposter among us.

Just then the butler came in announcing the arrival of the guests.

"The guests have arrived"

I was saved by the bell.

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