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'Yum Yum Yum!'

The meat melted in my mouth like butter so much that it was the best kind I have ever had.

Every dish on this table should be announced as a culinary masterpiece. The Chef in my dream must be a wonder to the world.

I wanted to try every single dish on the table. But after considering that there were a lot of eyes on me, even if it was a dream, I had to maintain my dignity.

Mom would be so proud if she saw my table manners right now. The sheer self-restraint that I was exhibiting now was enormous.

After a hefty meal that quelled my appetite, I took a stroll inside the mansion going where my feet took me.

I had to digest everything I ate before I could go for another round.

I was walking along an endless hallway that was empty except for the guards who occasionally passed by. 

I continued to go aimlessly when my feet came to a sudden halt. There was a large portrait on the wall that had caught my attention.

A man with dark red eyes and lustrous black hair was looking down at me. His eyes were as red as rubies and his hair was dark as the night sky. The chiseled handsome face looked like he was carved out of the most precious stones. He was wearing formal attire with a lot of military badges. 

And I had to register the sight before my...

'Man that is one hot guy'

I was staring at the portrait wide-eyed when I heard a voice from beside me.

"The man in the portrait is His Grace Archduke Clifford Frost" The butler said with pride in his eyes.

I closed my open mouth which had dropped unconsciously and turned towards the butler.

"He is the current head of the Frost family and an important figure in the imperial structure..."


"........also the madam's fa......"

Where have I heard that name before? I wondered.

I tried to remember with all of my brain capacity. It was on the tip of my tongue, but I could not point it out.

Did my brain start hibernating since I was sleeping?

Meanwhile, the butler was rambling on and on about the man in the portrait.

'Are all dreams like this? But I've heard that humans can't imagine faces in their dreams they have not seen before'

I was positive that I had never seen this face before in my life. There was simply no way I would forget seeing such a handsome existence.

"Madam, shall we go now?" The bulter asked, pointing forward.

"Ah!... Of course. Let's go" I answered, startled by his sudden question.

'What the hell did he ask?!'

It was a good thing that this was a dream, or else one of these days I could get into serious trouble for not paying proper attention.

We continued walking in silence, till we reached a large door. There were more and more guards dressed in armor as we got close to it.

'Are they guarding the Arkenstone against Smaug the dragon?'

For some reason, the guards were a little surprised when they first saw me but quickly regained their posture as soon as their eyes went to my left. When I turned following their line of sight, the butler beamed at me with his usual polite smile.

'Hmmm?' Something about this dream did not sit right with me.

The butler knocked at the door twice and said something to the nearby guard. And a few seconds later, a lady in a priest's outfit about twice my age opened the door and greeted him. 

The butler and the priest exchanged a few words while I was busy looking around.

Noticing a gaze on me, I turned to find the priest staring at my face. She quickly shifted her gaze when our eyes met.

The huge door opened and the lights inside were so bright that they almost blinded my eyes.

'Too shiny' I squinted my eyes till they adjusted to the light.

There were a lot of golden orbs floating in the air. They were the kind of orbs used in temples for purifying and blessing purposes.

Are they in the middle of a ritual? Am I dreaming about this because I refused when Mom told me to go to the temple?

"This way madam"

We walked through the door and into a room as big as a football field. There were priests and what looked like magicians everywhere I could see. They were in the middle of a heated discussion.

I followed the butler to another room on the inside. I have lost count now, though this one was not too shiny with unwanted decorations. It seemed like a bedroom from the outside.

And I was right.

There was a huge bed in the middle of the room and laid on top of it was an unconscious man. The closer we got, the clearer I could see his face.

'Hair as black as the darkest night'

"No way" I covered my mouth. I could hear phrases that were familiar inside my head.

I remember now.

'A perfect face chiseled from the rarest of stones'

Is that...?

"His Grace the Future Archduke Frost, Edward Frost"

My jaw dropped yet again.

I blankly stared at the unconscious man when the butler dropped an atomic bomb.

"The male lead?" 

"Your husband"

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