Chapter 171

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The sweet fragrance of flowers drifted in the halls of the Ivory Palace. In the gardens inside the serene palace, ivory flowers were in full blossom making it look like the clouds had fallen to the land.

The cold winds had started to blow ruffling the large puffy flowers causing loose petals to drift in the air to the rhythm of the songbirds.

Anyone seen walking through the garden could easily be mistaken for walking amongst the clouds.

In a pavilion south of the garden, three noble ladies were having a pleasant discussion each having a different opinion on the ongoings of the social season.

Originally, they had come to attend a tea party hosted by Countess Hawthorne in the Ivory Palace, which was often rented to nobles for events and gatherings.

After the party ended and the guests retired, they decided to continue their chat in the garden instead of returning home.

"This is quite a frustrating turn of events" 

Lady Milaine fanned her face furiously as if she could not even bear to think of it.

"My my whatever happened" Lady Clara enquired, taken aback by her sudden declaration.

Lady Milaine took a sip of her tea and shook her head.

"No. I do not want to spread gossip"

"You cannot leave us hanging like that. Do tell us what is weighing on your mind Lady Milaine"  Lady Isla urged her to speak despite the latter's reluctance to do so.

"You have to tell us!"

In the end, pushed by the two's insistence Lady Milaine relented and disclosed what had been troubling her mind.

"You see... one of my handmaids has a relative working for the Frost Estate. They say the Young Duchess Frost is quite a troublemaker"

"Young Duchess Frost? The lady that came back alive?" Lady Clara leaned forward intrigued by the new topic.

After all, the newly resurrected Young Duchess Frost was the hot topic of the social world. Even at Countess Hawthorne's tea party where needless gossip was not welcomed, Young Duchess Frost's name was mentioned a few times.

She was a mysterious figure in the social world even before her untimely death three years ago. Appearing out of nowhere and disappearing as fast, not much was known to them about her besides a basic description of her appearance. 

Now that she had returned from the dead, more eyes were on her than ever before. But she had not stepped outside the Frost Estate for weeks. While some say she was sick and recovering, others say she had stayed inside to take control of the estate.

"Yes. She has been wreaking havoc since the day she arrived. She constantly screams at the maids and Knights and throws candlesticks at His Grace like a barbarian"

"Dear lord!" Lady Isla exclaimed while Lady Clara gasped.

"Throws candlesticks at His Grace? Are you certain you can believe the words of a servant?" Lady Clara asked, doubtful about the integrity of the words of an unknown servant.

Young Duke Edward Frost was not a person anyone could afford to disrespect much less to antagonize. Who in their right mind would ever throw a candlestick at him?

"This is from someone with confidence much closer to His Grace if you know who I mean" Lady Milaine assured and eyed meaningfully to which Lady Clara nodded in understanding.


If it was from 'that' person then it must be true. Who else was intimate to Young Duke Forst to know such affairs if not for them?

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