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Bryan Hathway, the only son of house Hathway and the future Viscount was a petite-looking boy. He had blonde hair and blue eyes, that was typical of house Hathway.

Bryan was a quiet boy rarely expressing emotions. There was elegance in his every step. He never took the initiative to talk to anyone other than the bare necessity. He did not cry even when he was hurt nor acted out to anyone. This made the Hathway couple worry about their only child's future.

Although 'Perfect' was the word people used to describe Bryan. He was anything but perfect.

Bryan Hathway was nothing but a perfect-looking doll. Or that was what Viscountess Hathway had thought until she saw her son run towards her scared out of his wits. She was rather surprised than worried at his son's behavior.

She was baffled on seeing the scene. And the most unexpected part out of everything was the sight of the young lady of the Ashford family trying to hold in her laughter.

Viscountess Hathway wiped her son's tear-stricken face with a handkerchief. There was a months' worth of expressions on Bryan's tearful face. She thought it was a good idea to bring him here to meet the other kids. In fact, she was secretly relieved.

"Can you tell us what happened Bryan?" Maze asked Bryan with a tender expression on her face.

Bryan looked around at the surroundings before turning back to his mother. He started narrating the events in a calm voice while excluding a few details.

A few gasps were heard as he continued talking and everyone turned towards Angelica.

"And then a monster came out of Angelica's hand and attacked Adam" Bryan finished and held his mother's hand in a tight grip.

It was the first time Bryan held his mother's hand since he started walking on his own. Except for this time around since he was scared.

"My goodness" exclaimed Countess Norton

"Angelica!" Rosaline called out to her daughter who was busy trying to escape from the scene.

Angelica stopped and awkwardly smiled at her mother.

"Yes mother?"

"Are you not going to explain yourself"

"Well............." Angelica turned towards Adam who was still on the floor.

"He said my head looks like a spider's nest" she complained, pointing towards Adam.

Adam flinched under Angelica's menacing gaze, scared of what is to come next. But still decided to defend himself by diverting attention.

"She knocked down the statue" Adam pointed back at her.

"It was their idea of strength test" Angelica in turn pointed the Howard twins

"We were being courteous" Tristan commented and rolled his eyes.

"So much for brotherhood" Shrugged Elliot and looked away.

Angelica held out her tongue at them. Sparks began flying between the three.

Unable to control the chaos, Rosaline massaged her throbbing head.


"What was that?" asked Rosaline when she heard a distinct sound coming from Angelica.

"What was what?" rebutted Angelica.


"What is in your pocket Angelica" Rosaline shot back holding her daughter's shoulders.

"Um.......a ribbon?" Angelica replied, doubtful at her own words.

"Take it out"

The little girl sulked before digging into her pocket.


Out came a snake in a threatening posture rendering everyone speechless. It was a small white snake comfortably coiled around Angelica's hand.

Everyone stared at Angelica playing with the little snake as if they were under a trance.

"MONSTER" yelled Adam, the first one to snap out of his trance.

"Oops.....wrong pocket" Angelica smiled awkwardly pulling the snake towards her and calmed it down.

"Angelica!" exclaimed Rosaline furious at her prank.

"I'm sorrrrrrrrry"


And that's how the long-awaited tea party came to a spectacular end.  

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