Chapter 105

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Welcome to 'Survival of the fittest - Human Trials on Therren' Starring the handsome, mischievous and charming fox twins Noah and Oliver.

Subject #1: Will

Will, the youngest member of the Tullus mercenaries, has been holding himself from crying after taking one spoon of the vicious test substance.

Noah: His eyes are flaming red! Looks like he won't be able to hold in the scream for much longer!

Oliver: But here we are three minutes later, he finally caved in and ran out in search of water! What a man!

Noah: You shall be remembered my friend.

Subject #2: Gallahan

Chief of the Tullus mercenaries, also the grandfather of the previous contestant. Opted out of the contest at the last minute.

Oliver: He claims that it was the wisest decision he has ever made in the past sixty years.

Noah: And wise he is! He excused himself to go tend to his grandson who ran away like his ass was on fire.

Oliver: Oh! It was definitely on fire. Now moving on to the next test subject.

Subject #3: Ezra

Ezra, the second in command of the Orion merchants affiliated with the Sehra merchants. Took a comparatively large dose of the substance by directly drinking it from the bowl.

Noah: Honestly I was surprised to see him still standing. But then on a closer inspection, he has gone into a state of shock. Just take a look at his petrified face!

Oliver: Ezra has not been responding for the past ten minutes after the intake of the test substance. Somebody splash some water on him before he reaches heaven.

Noah: Give it up for Ezra! That's our second strongest contender!

Oliver: Now, the last but definitely not the least our final contender!

Subject #4: Kalan

Leader of the Orion merchants. A calm and composed man with a mysterious aura around him.

Noah: He's the most abnormal of the bunch.

Oliver: Yes, not only did he survive. He wanted more of it!

"Can I have another serving?"

Noah: Never thought I would hear such words in this lifetime.

Oliver: Looks like we have our winner folks!

*ding* *ding* *ding*

Winner of the trials: Kalan

Noah: After the break, we'll see how strong the beastmen can hold!

Oliver: Who do you think will survive? Stay tuned for more from "Survival of the fittest Part 2 - Beastmen Trials on Therren"

"Cut it out guys!"

Ann snatched the sticks from Oliver and Noah's hands and glared at them.

"What? Give us back our microponys"

"Yeah, we were just adding some entertainment to the camp"

The twins sulked and complained as they tried to grab the sticks back from Ann's hands. But she tossed the sticks away before they could reach it.

"Look, first of all. It's a microphone. Not micropony. There's a big difference" Ann rolled her eyes.

"And I get that it's funny and everything. But....."

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