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"Good night"

"Ugh!" My face twisted from repeating her words.

I wanted to bang my head on the wall till I woke up from this nightmare.

This was the kind of situation that I never would have imagined to be in, even in a million years.

She didn't mean it like that right?

Or did she?

Or maybe it's just my mind that is doing all the dirty thinking?

I could walk out now. But Edward's chambers are the safest in the entire estate. And I was in need of such a place to think clearly without having to face death at every turn I took.

I took a few steps and stood in front of the bed.

There would not be a need for any lights in this room since Edward was practically glowing like a fluorescent bulb. The best way to describe him was as 'shiny'.

No one would believe that he had been in a coma for three months. At least not with this body.

'How can such a perfect human being exist?'

"Soooo hot" I exclaimed in a dazed state, resting my hand on my chin.

I have seen attractive people. But Edwardt's looks were beyond anything human. 

'He's a celestial'

And such a man was my husband. I would be happy about it, if not for the death verdict. 

'What a waste' I sighed.

I looked around the room in search of a couch that I could crash on. But there was not much furniture in the room. 

The butler must have had them removed. The only furnitures left were an armchair and a side table aside from the bed.

Since the room was mostly empty, I could at least pace around as much as I wanted.

The bed was big enough to fit ten people so there won't be a problem. I can just sleep on the other side.

When I walked over to the other side while touring the room I saw a portrait with a golden frame. But it was blank.

'That's weird'

But the frame is pretty impressive. I guess rich people collect weird stuff.

It was getting cold and the thin clothes that I was wearing weren't doing much help.

I got into bed and lay down facing the ceiling. There was only one quilt for the both of us. I pulled it over and got in a comfortable position.

A lot happened within a day. 

I realized that the world I was born in was inside a book, that I got married, and that my insanely attractive husband would be the death of me.

It was not easy. But I think I handled it pretty well.

Then the blast from the past dawned on me.

The breakdown, the fear, the panicking... maybe not too well.

Either way, I was proud of myself.

I leaned to my right and looked at Edward. He was still attractive even from looking sideways. That must probably be the male lead buff.

I rolled over and got near Edward. I was leaning on my side, using my hand to support my head.

I thought of the conversation I had earlier with the butler.

"My hand" I said, pointing at the back of my hand. 

I had poured steaming hot water on it and it was bound to scar. But there was no sign of any injury on my skin.

"The healer treated you when you were unconscious madam. No need to worry about any scarring"

I wanted to question him further about it. But there were bigger problems than a little scar.

"What day is it today?"

"It is December 6th, the imperial year 522"

It was the second when I visited home and I have been here for three days according to the butler.

"How long have you been preparing for my arrival?"

All the clothing and other accessories that I saw here were of my size to perfection. Even the food and snacks were to my liking. Which meant that they were aware of my arrival at the estate and were preparing for it a long time. 

If my theory is right then all of this is premeditated.

"We have been preparing for the madam's arrival for a little over a month"

I was right again.

"A month?" I clenched my hands into tight fists.

'Clive you imbecile....You better have an astronomical explanation for all of this'

"How old is my husband?"

'It feels a little cringy to call him my 'husband'. Ugh...' I bit my tongue to control my expression.

He paused for a moment before answering my question,

"His grace is twenty-two years old as of this month"

I turned eighteen two months back. 

'So he's four years older than me...'

When I was pondering over everything, the butler had been looking at me with his usual creepy smile.

"Do you have any other questions, Madam?"



"Yes. What's your name?"

I have been meaning to ask him since the morning. It felt odd to address him as 'the bulter' each time we spoke.

He had an expression as if he had just realized something.

"Pardon my insolence. My name is Nathaniel Woodlock. I am the head butler and the chief aide of His Grace Edward Frost"


"Please call me Nathaniel"

"Nathaniel huh..." I muttered.

I remember reading about him. He was one of the male lead's most trusted subordinates.

I continued questioning him for a while before we went to the dining hall. Thanks to that I have some useful information. 

I must have been unconscious for two days before I finally woke up.

'Clive...' Veins popped on my forehead.

I was on the money when I preached 'Never trust the quiet ones'. 

But I forgot about the one that was closest to me. And he was acting all suspicious when we were talking. Since when did he have the guts to do things like this?

I remember seeing the Howard carriage on my way that day. I bet those b*stards have a hand in this too.

Hell, it might have even been their plan from the beginning to end.

'Just you wait till I get my hands on you' An evil grin escaped from me.

Now back to this guy. I got up from the bed.

There was something I needed to check.

I climbed on top of Edward and started unbuttoning his shirt.

Meanwhile, far away from the capital, three people in different places felt a chill run down their spine for unknown reasons.

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